Saturday, June 30, 2018

Nikola TESLA

1:14:17--Tesla's not Mike. (M)*

Just five days after the spirit world went into this barrage to awaken me to their presence, to their world an unusual name comes up in file 161124_002--Tesla. There is only one Tesla. That is Nikola Tesla. I am not Tesla. Was there some confusion in the spirit world? 

The name Tesla has repeatedly came up in sessions. Ten so far. There may be more.
The first file is a saved audio file--176 Tesla. The others are all recorded sessions where Tesla's name has come up. In file 161124_002 the lone Tesla mention is: Tesla's not Mike. Two days later in file 161126_001 Tesla's name comes up again and the spirits say this:
42:29--How did he come unborn? (M)* Tesla had a hand in this. (F)* Mike was sent. (M)** By who? (U)* That's okay. (U)*
On the same day I ran another session file 161126_002 and again Tesla's name comes up. 
08:46--Let's go Tesla. (F)** On the very next day Tesla's name comes up again in file 161127_001.
2:05:34--You owe Tesla that. (F)*
2:37:32--Tesla. (M)**
2:39:57--He is Tesla. Tesla. (M)*
3:03:40--Find it. (F)** Tesla watch this. (F)*
The next session I find his name is in session 170827_002. In this session the topic is who I am and what I am. 
00:20--Go to Tesla. (U)
On September 15, 2017 file session 170915_001 has Tesla's name repeated numerous times. 
07:06--Tesla. (O)*
07:12--Tesla. (M)*
08:22--Tesla. (M)**
08:24--Tesla. (M)*
08:25--Do you want to meet Nikola Tesla? (M)*
08:29--Tesla never lost it. (M)*
His name is mentioned 11 more times. The most notable mention is:
11:07--Mike seek Tesla. (M)*

Click on the link below to hear the spirit say his name--Tesla.


During my sessions there are at times extreme amounts of buzzing that happen throughout the sessions. It just randomly starts and stops. There doesn't seem to be any time limit. It could go for ten minutes or 30 seconds. Here's an example. This is taken from file 161127_001. November 27, 2016.

Twenty five seconds after the buzzing starts and as I am wondering if Tesla is involved his name is mentioned. How is that for a fantastic coincidence. I looped X 3.
Tesla Nikola

Is Tesla responsible for this? Is there some connection between myself and Tesla? I've only had a general interest in Tesla but greatly admired him. I think if he were allowed to implement his ideas we'd be thousands of years ahead of where we are today. Human greed stole that from him, and all of humanity as well. I've only done a brief study on his life but I do see some things that synch up with my own and I do plan on doing some extensive research on him in the near future. So many projects, so little time.
1. Vegetarian.
2. Bird lover--He pigeons, me crows, and owls.
3. Loner.
4. Spiritualist--both of us would profess not to be one.
5. Possible alien involvement.

6. Both involved in frequency.

These were only a few that I found that synched up with me, but maybe they synch up with you as well. The other day I was stopped at a stop light behind a Tesla car. I couldn't help but notice the emblem.
 It didn't look like a T to me but something else--something I'd seen recently. Where? I found it on my own blog. In a post that I did on Moclips Washington. I discussed a spirit that had come down and manifest in front of me. The shape of it looks eerily close to the Tesla T.

Nikola Tesla was a genius and there's where our comparison comes to a screeching halt. Why are the spirits mentioning his name on my recording sessions? I don't know and the spirits aren't telling me. For now it remains shelved. Maybe in the future it'll reveal itself--that is if there's any connection.

On the night Nikola was born there was a fierce electrical storm outside. The assisting mid-wife frustrated with it all said, "This child will only bring darkness." Nikola's mother interjected, "No my child will bring LIGHT."

I've recently found numerous references to Tesla in a session I am reviewing. File 161127_001. I am going to post them all here.
Hi Mike. Tesla proved it.

Try to be Tesla.

I'm reviewing a session, file 161130_001. I recorded on 11/30/16. Tesla's name has been mentioned several times in the first 10 minutes.
"Ask Tesla."

Time point 48:44--TESLA
File 161201_002 time point 20:53--TESLA
2:49:27--TESLA'S OUT.


One of my passions is gardening. I love plant life, all life really. Out of all the life on the planet there isn't many that are in perfect harmony with the universe, but I believe plant life is, as is animal life and insect life. Every year my garden grows, get's funkier. My personality starts to blend into it. I want to create a visual oasis for myself, animals, and others that visit.

For years the name of my garden was No Name Gardens. It had no name. Friends helped in the process. One friend saw it and said that it was bad-ass and I should name it Bad Ass Gardens. Another friend thought there was specific placement and design for each plant and suggested Feng Shui as a name. There is no method to my madness. I really don't like to adhere to spacing requirements of plants. Every year I change it. But then I found a couple of ghosts hiding in my garden.

"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Sabrina. This is Andy," a female spirit replied.
"What are you doing here?"
"We've always been with you."

After that there could only be one name, GHOST GARDENS. Here's a few pictures of Ghost Gardens.


Let me stand next to your fire

When I knew that I had spirits trying to communicate with me I wondered if I'd captured them on old video I took prior to November 19th. I found a video I shot where I was playing around with our resident Jay. The digital camera is a JVC. It's mounted on a tripod. I downloaded the video onto my audio program and began the translation. I was shocked to hear so many spirits that came through. I'm always disturbed when I hear spirits asking for help and I find it in this video. From where I am I do what I can. I also find a familiar name in this video--SABRINA.  Is she the big strong woman the other spirit mentions? The voices are coming through fast and I'm not able to leave their words up very long before the next spirit comes through. I believe I had to leave out a spirit or two because they blend together. The spirit voice that comes through the best is right at the end, "Ohhhhhh Mike this is so fucking cool." Now that is fucking cool.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Orbs of England and me

Numerous orbs danced around us as we walked through a church in England to return to our hotel. This one however is the featured orb. Also, embedded in the video were a host of spirit voices. I highlighted the female spirit in the end. She does come through at a low frequency so it may require you to listen to it a few times.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey---Mike wake up."

Let's continue to break on through to the other side.

On January 6th 2017 I am lying in bed meditating. I know some being / beings whether spirit life or alien life, or both, are trying to establish communications with me. I'd been running a digital recorder for six weeks almost nightly anticipating a return of those who visited me on 11/19/16 just six weeks earlier. Below is the translated audio graph and the actual recording.

Click on the link below and listen to the end.

"Hey, hey, hey"

During that time between 11/19/16 and 1/6/2017 I captured everything you can imagine, snaps, pops, voices, and what sounds like a cowbell. A spirit voice from outside would hit a cowbell and say, "Mike, wake up. Let's go. Wake up Mike." I know the spirit isn't trying to physically wake me because I'm lying in bed awake listening to him and luckily for me and science my recorder is running. They are attempting to wake me up my conscious mind to an understanding of who I am. What I am. Why I am. Use the same who, what and why back at them so I have a complete understanding of myself and who they are.

On December 7th, 2016 just a few weeks after 11/19/16 a male spirit attempts to awaken me and once again he uses a cowbell. "I gotta have more cowbell baby."--Bruce Dickinson

Click on the link below

"Mike wake up."

This spirits name is Andy. I have plans to do write ups on both Sabrina and Andy. These two were the primary spirits to my awakening to their world and let me say my awakening is ongoing. There's a lot to be awakened to.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Break on through to the other side--I have

My eclipse video. It captured orbs and more. Three spirits team up to create the sentence, "Mike wake up-alive."

On November 19, 2016 I did break on through the other side. I've been in daily communications with spirits in the spirit world. They broke on through as well.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

In memory of Monica Gotz

Up until March of 2017 I never had a Facebook account. My wife did. I asked her to look up an old friend and she couldn't find her. The next morning I simply did a Google search and found her and there was an email address. I sent her an email. The email back read as if she didn't know me. I sure left an impression on her, but forty years had passed since we last talked, or seen each other. Maybe I just had a better memory. Yeah that's it.

Her and I exchanged a few emails filling each other in on the last forty years. It was great to hear from her again. Her and I knew each other at a very fun time in our lives--the magical teenage years. What about the others who I hadn't seen or heard from in forty years? It sparked something in me and I opened a Facebook account in an attempt to find them and say hi. I hoped they'd still remember me. As kids we all skated together every Friday and Saturday night.

The skating rink on those nights had numerous clique's ranging from five to 20 or 30 people. Ours was about 20 or 30 as I recall.

At the top of my list of friends to say hi to was Monica Gotz.

Monica was dating my girlfriends brother when I first met her. Our friendship went beyond the four walls of the skating rink. Out of the 20 or 30 in our group only a few went beyond those walls. Inside the walls fulfilled our social requirements as kids. One outside memory I have happened at her house. I believe a friend and I were going to pick her up that night and go skating. As we approached her house we could see Monica in the kitchen window. She was doing the dishes. We decided to sneak under the window and pop our heads up real fast in an attempt to scare her. It worked. She jumped back and screamed. We laughed but Monica didn't think it was funny. We eventually got her to laugh about it.

A Facebook search turned up empty. I did find her brother and sister on Facebook who I knew because both of them worked at the skating rink. I private messaged them asking for contact information where I could reach Monica. No reply from either. I then did what I did with my other friend, just type her name in Google.

The results of this search produced an obituary for my friend Monica Gotz.

I cried. I then was angry at myself for not searching for her earlier. I remember my last conversation with Monica. I was around 18 and working for a nursing home doing maintenance. Monica called me at my work and we talked awhile. We hadn't seen one another for some time so we were catching up. She invited me over. I told her I had plans with my girlfriend right after work, so another time. Our another time never came. Over the past forty years I'd think of Monica often. Five years, would go by, when am I going to talk to Monica? Another eight--when? Ten--when? My Facebook was going to be the now it's time. I wondered if she would remember our last conversation. I also wondered if she'd remember me. I was sure she would.


On Novemeber 19th 2016 I walked into a Best Buy and bought a digital recorder. The reason for this purchase was to record myself while I slept. On occasion I'd make a lot of strange sounds, grunt, snort, or even go into deep snoring. This kept my wife up all night and at times myself. I told my wife that it felt like I was somewhere else and I was communicating with others. Who those others are is unknown to me. During this time there were no dreams it was all black. A close friend of mine was also randomly experiencing the same thing. That morning I sent him a text message.

His reply.

I sent him a picture of the recorder.

His immediate reply back.

I then set the recorder up, date, time and tested the audio with a couple test recordings just saying "Hello," a few times. All was good. One of the concerns I had was what if I don't snore or make any sounds since it was random. I could go weeks or months in between occurrences. All I'd capture then would be six hours of white noise. A background thought was what if I capture something paranormal like a ghost? I had a lot of paranormal things happen to me over the years as did my friend Andy. We'd talk about it often. One time my wife and I were standing in our kitchen. A screwdriver was on our kitchen bar. It laid on top of the granite top. It spun in front of us. I said, "Do it again." Nothing. Another time my drivers license was flipped upside down in my wallet. Another time we found a towel in the toilet. Looking back on my life I can see now that it's always been there. I knew this, however I didn't want to participate. I didn't care about spirits. My feeling was you lived your life probably free of spirits, ghosts, or anything paranormal so allow me the freedom to do the same. I know now that is not going to happen.

One day a tall black man unusually dressed with a tall hat and an eye patch came up to me and said, "Do you know you have a male spirit around you?" I told him I knew I had something around me. I asked him if he was a psychic. He said he was and had been since a small child. His name is Bobby Porch. I learned from him that he designs and makes his own clothes. To me he looks like a time traveler. The coolest dressed person I'd ever seen. He also produces shows on paranormal research.

That day Bobby was my eyes into the spirit world something he could see with only one and he saw a male spirit attached to me. I remember telling him that I didn't feel anything negative and that the paranormal experiences around me seem to be humorous. He didn't indicate either way what he was perceiving and this concerned me.

That night I went to bed around 10PM. I usually go to bed between 9 and 10. I had to be up at six the next morning to go to work. I placed the recorder on my nightstand with the microphone facing me. I then drifted off to sleep. I awoke around 3:40am. The recorder was turned off. I then got up and moved the recorder into my office, started it again and went back to bed. I don't recall even wondering why it was turned off. It was only my first night using it perhaps it reached a file limit. I later learned it can record for six hours and four minutes before maxing out a file. It then stops recording and starts again under a new file name. It will run this way for up to forty hours.

On my drive into work I decided to review it. I immediately knew I'd captured something. There was no doubt. At that time my ears weren't trained to hear the spirits but I could tell they were there. I also felt deep in my gut that something else was there. That something else scared the shit out of me. It was negative for sure. I texted message my friend.

Five minutes later he texted back.

I describe briefly to him what I think I captured on the recorder. His reply.

He and I had both been experiencing things that involved, synchronicity, paranormal, out of body experiences, and other supernatural phenomena. Together we teamed up in search of answers. Was it happening to everyone and we just happen to be tuned into it? Sometimes it seemed as if some supernatural force would lay it right at our doorstep. Who was responsible for that? And why? At times our research and investigating got dark and very scary. We continued on. I recall a conversation with him where he said, "We need to ramp it up." I wrote those words on my notebook. Had we gone too far now? That was the question I asked myself on the morning of November 20th 2016. And he maybe right when he texted.

It most certainly was.

On the first file 161120_001 I noticed a problem right away. The timestamp displaying the time the recorder started was off by four hours. I sent this text to my friend.

 It should show that it was started sometime between 9:30 and 10PM. It shows that it was started at 2:02AM. That means there is either four hours of missing time or someone manipulated the device and altered the start time. Who? The two test times were both accurate and the start time of the second recording where I moved the recorder into my office is also accurate displaying the time 3:41AM.

I sent my friend a picture showing that the time was off. In the picture you can see the timestamp of the two test files. The time shows 8:20 and 8:22PM. Both are accurate indicating the recorder was set up right.

Let me interject, this will lead to a spirit calling herself Monica Gotz I assure you.

On the night of November 19th 2016 the spirits involved with me were most certain that I would die that night. The session indicates that as well.
01:09--Mike better leave the house. (O)**
01:13--Damn this is going down. (U)*
01:25--Get Mike out of here. (M)
05:28--DIE. (M)**
07:09--Mike, you know you're gonna die. (U)
07:59--Kill Mike. (U)**
All of the above was captured in just the first eight minutes. Fast forward to the final minutes it reads:
1:30:21--Mike you've got to get out of here. (U)**
1:31:56--Mike. Pray somebody. (U)
1:35:08--He is dead. (U)**
1:36:48--Mike you are not going to make it. (M)**
1:37:51--Mike, prepare to die. (U)**
The recorder is shut off at 1:38:01. I've listened to this session at least a dozen times. I waited over a year before doing the translation and I'm glad I did. Waiting allowed me to improve on my hearing--to hear them at their lowest frequency levels without enhancing the audio. If I would have tried to translate it within the first few months it would have probably read like this:
01:11--strange noise
03:23--cracking sound
05:22--heard my name-maybe
1:25:33--Really scary noise sounds like hissing
One time while reviewing this session I went into a trance. In the trance I was able to hear two spirits talking perfectly. I could hear every word. The two spirits were desperately trying to prevent my death that night. They mentioned each other by name, Sabrina and Andy. In the session Sabrina's name is mentioned 34 times and Andy's name mentioned 26 times. In the trance I was fully conscious  aware of time, place, what I was doing and could stop whenever I wanted, but why would I? I sat back and listened to the two spirits. Sabrina was beside herself, screaming, crying and frantically trying to intervene. Andy took the lead during Sabrina's emotional outbursts. Sabrina would recover and get right back in determined to stop this. At times they'd stop and just talk about me, my life and how it was going to end tonight. Something was said that caused them both to laugh and then Sabrina said, "Andy Mike is about to die tonight. I can't believe we are laughing." That quickly changed their mood. Sabrina started to realize it was hopeless and said to Andy, "Andy we'll be there to welcome Mike into the spirit world." He replied, "Of course Sabrina." Sabrina is told to give me a final kiss.
1:31:28—Sabrina, kiss Mike good-bye. (U)**
A spirit who I believe to be Sabrina says:
1:34:02—I want to get out of this house. (F) (Sabrina)
Andy replies to her. 

1:34:05—Me too. (Andy)
Two minutes before it all ends a final message from Sabrina.
1:36:44—Mike, I love you. (F)**
For one hour and thirty-six minutes her and Andy did all they could. It was over. In a few minutes I'd be joining her and Andy in the spirit world. She tells Andy that she is just going to throw herself on top of me in a last ditch effort to prevent my death. Andy tells her to back away from me. She argues with him. He indicates to her that I might not die. She's confused. She becomes filled with hope and inquires. He again tells her to back away from me. She argues and tells him no that she is not going to back away from me. She inquires again why he thinks I might not die. He tells her he knows how this is going to end. She's really confused now. She concedes and joins Andy near my bathroom door. 
Three minutes before the session ends and what would be my final minutes alive a spirit says,
1:35:04—I guess he is dead. (U)**
Sabrina calmly replies, "He's not going to die." The spirit replies back:

1:35:08—He is dead. (U)**

I didn't die. And the rest of this story I have been researching for 17 months now to either validate the claims the spirits made or disprove it all. The evidence is leaning heavily that this event actually happened. A familiar person who I know indicates that they are there that night.
1:05:49—Hey Mike this is your mother. (F)
A spirit doesn't agree and answers back.
1:05:52—That’s not Mike’s mother. (U)
The spirit returns almost thirty minutes later repeating she is my mother. 
1:32:35—Mike, this is your mother. (U) (F)**
This time she isn't challenged. 
Upon moving the recorder into my office it is there I find a spirit claiming to be Monica. 
36:00--Mike this is Monica. (F)** Monica loves you. (F)
36:03—Mike is talking to Monica. (F)

36:08—Mike is Monica’s friend. (U) 
There isn't a last name mentioned but in this lifetime I only know one Monica and her last name is Gotz. On September 1, 2017 I ran a session file number 170901_006. In this session Monica says her last name.
24:23—Hey Mike it’s Monica Gotz. (F)(M) The (M) indicates she had help coming through from a male spirit. In the very beginning of the session Monica's name is mentioned. 
02:50—Monica loves Mike. (U)
A month later in file 171002_001 Monica returns again saying her last name. 
01:25—"Mike this is Monica Gotz."
Why would my mother and a childhood friend be present on a night I am suppose to die? To welcome me into the spirit world perhaps. When I have inquired into the spirit world asking if indeed this is my friend I am told that it most certainly is. I remain neutral, but she has come through on numerous sessions and I still have around 350 sessions to review and document. How many other sessions will I find a spirit identifying herself as Monica Gotz? On March 9th of this year my wife and I were in Moclips Washington. The resort has a tradition where you paint your name or a message on a rock and leave it behind. My wife noticed a familiar last name--GOTZ.

I learned that the rock was created by her brother. The synchronicity is rolling and it seems Monica and I are separated by two worlds but still communicating. 

Note: The font size is all over the place. I know what's wrong but fixing it isn't so easy. Sorry.

Found this on file 161130_001. 
Found this on file 161201_002
MONICA After her name a male voice, possibly me says, "you look nice." She replies, "Thanks Mike."