Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Post COVID 19 the aftershock

It's June 16th 2020. The flu season is over and the last person to die from the virus in the United States was May 22nd. She was an elderly woman in her 60's with underlying conditions. Like all of the others her name is never released, nor is her face ever shown. The total deaths in the United States being reported by the news is 234,881,024 and that is just in the United States. Nations around the world are reporting similar numbers. It appears as if the population on planet earth has been reduced by more than 50%.

 President Trump addressed the nation two days ago--May 14th. He started off with some name calling as he always does and then he praised certain governors around the country even joking that he's glad some of them aren't running against him for president. He said, "we aren't out of the woods yet." As a pre-caution, all restrictions put into place would remain for a certain period of time. Businesses would remain closed as would all means of public transportation. The food drop off plan would continue. Electricity would remain limited to all homes, but an increase from three hours a day was being openly discussed. The three hours a day was primarily just news to keep the public informed. The media, police, and EMS were the only ones allowed to venture outside. Police arrested anyone caught outside. Prison population has been reduced by over 92%. Not all from death. Many have escaped because staff had been depleted. The exact number of death to escape ratio isn't known.  President Trump said the report your neighbor dead plan would continue as well. The number 555 would remain operational until further notice.

The stock market has plummeted to zero. The post future of the financial market is uncertain. Food remains scarce and there will be no food crops until the fall of 2021. People with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer continue to die in unrecorded daily numbers. All of the medical supplies have been depleted and production has ceased. Beloved pets such as dogs and cats have all been released on the streets for their own survival. Packs of dogs roam the city streets in groups as high as 25. Police are ordered to shoot on site. There's a belief that man's best friend will be extinct by the time the people are allowed to venture out around the world.

All religious institutions remain closed.

Rodent infestations remain high. Those with rat traps keep them some what under control. Those without are learning to live with them as with other insects such as cockroaches.

If the death rate continues doubling in the numbers reported by the media the above scenario isn't all that far fetched. Fourteen deaths in one week, and as it draws closer to the second week the death count is at 22 and spreading throughout the state.

Schools and businesses remain open for now, March 11, 2020. It looks like sporting events are cancelled. Here we go. Buckle your seatbelt and hang on.

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