Saturday, March 28, 2020

Boeing closes over coronavirus death--Elton Washington

One month to the day and there are 189 deaths REPORTED in Washington State. These deaths come with no names, faces, families, funerals, or any physical proof that a person is dead, or ever was alive. Exception--I have found two names. The first one the media reported a name and linked the death to coronavirus. The person supposedly died at Life Care Center in Kirkland. My internet searches show the only source claiming this person died of coronavirus was the woman's son. No doctor, hospital or CDC official confirmed the woman died of CV. Back to zero.

And then I find this.

A name. Hallelujah. The problem was at the time I found this there were only two local news sources reporting it. KIRO news had it as did the Seattle Times. Reading through it all I find the same scenario as above--there is no medical source linked to the death. The deceased person's brother is saying the death was from CV. This from another news source KOMO.

 However, this death has some teeth to it. This reported death caused the biggest manufacturing aerospace plant in the world to shut down. Elton Washington supposedly died on Sunday March 22, 2020. The time isn't published anywhere, but Dominic Gates published an on-line article for the Seattle Times at 5:13PM on the day Elton died. Lionel must have been waiting for it because he posted it on his FB at 7:12PM.

While his brother is on life support Lionel pleads with the Boeing company to close its doors.

After Elton's death his brother continues pleading through the media.

Four days later Boeing shuts down and the city mayor and state governor chime in supporting the shut down.

Did anyone check with any medical doctor or hospital to confirm that Elton tested positive for CV--Boeing, union, mayor, governor, his brother? Perhaps I'm the only one. My research led me to a Facebook page which is a local Boeing union watch site. It appears to be a union member watchdog site on their own union. On their site is a FB fundraiser for Elton. Good hearted union members supporting a brother. Nothing wrong with that, unless you can't confirm a death. I notice the date--created four days before his brothers death. This seems odd to me. I think of my own family and how they'd react if I were in a hospital bed dying. I think there last thought is on collecting money. Perhaps he makes a full recovery two days later. The entire bill is covered by Boeing.

His brother doesn't even live in Washington State. He lives in Las Vegas. On his Facebook there are numerous posts to make you scratch your head. On March 17th Lionel makes his first Facebook post on his brother. He is challenged and in his response he doesn't refute her claims.

Below is Lionel's full response to Brenda Taylor.

A rather strange reply. Who is Brenda and how does she know more than Lionel on March 17, five days before Elton's supposed death? And why doesn't Lionel correct Brenda? There's more.

Again this is on his March 17th post. Shirley and Patti are both implying that his brother is already deceased. And note how both women mention that Boeing should shut down. Follow that down the rabbit hole and it will lead you to the CEO of Boeing and the governor of Washington State doing tequila shots.

On March 16th, the day before he found out about his brother Lionel makes a Facebook plea towards the ladies.

Scrolling through the comments I find this.

Is Lauren referring to Elton? What other deep loss would Lionel have that he never mentions on his Facebook? It could only be Elton his brother. Lauren is saying he's already dead on March 16th, six days before his actual death. Lionel never addresses his deep loss.

On March 18th one day after he learns about his brother Lionel makes a rather unusual grieving brother post to his Facebook--a food post. It's a menu of a restaurant in Renton Washington.

Why would he be posting about a restaurant in Renton when he is suppose to be in Las Vegas. Perhaps he was in town for some breaded chicken wings & fries. For me there is enough her to stamp this a non-death. I entered into an email exchange with the watchdog union and they see no issues with any of Lionel's posts. It all looks good and consistent with a grieving brother. And they have no issues that no medical doctor of hospital is confirming Elton's death.

Two names were produced in four weeks and I can't find any linked connection to a doctor or medical hospital as confirmation. I'll keep searching. Another fundraiser for Elton was added--a gofundme. One of the things I'm learning about this coronavirus is there seems to be a lot of green. I follow it. Meanwhile Boeing workers are losing a lot of green.

There is no obituary for any Elton Washington. Boeing union website does not mention his name, only union Facebook.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Let slip the dogs of war

I just learned an hour ago the state of Washington is going into lockdown in 48 hours. It feels dark. Nazi dark.

Blood and destruction shall be so in use that mothers shall but smile when they behold their infants quarter 'd with the hands of war

And Caesar's spirit ranging for revenge with Ate by his side come hot from hell. Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice cry, Havoc, and let slip the dogs of war.

Ate is the goddess of mischief, and strife.

The bird that was knocked off looked familiar to me. I know I've seen it somewhere before.

So what spirit is leading me down this pathway to make these connections? Or am I to assume mere coincidence. Charlton Heston starred in another prophetic movie that fits our current mandatory quarantine--Omega Man.

The government is saying it's just for two weeks as if they know just when the virus will decided to leave and take death with it. We are now entering uncharted waters.

Coronavirus Spirit Session

On the 18th of March I awoke at 2am and asked the spirits to come through on the coronavirus. Whatever they wanted to say on it. The recorder was placed on my open bedroom window seal. I went back to sleep. I will place what I find on this posting. The session is 3hours 29 min and 16 sec long. File number 200319_001. Time points listed are shown of me doing a quick bounce around and not going from the beginning all the way through. Some of the voices come through in a very low frequency and I'm unable to amplify their voice so that they can be heard.
1:09:26--LOOK AT HIS FACE. (F)
1:10:32--GIVE HER A KISS. (F)
1:10:44--LET'S CHASE MIKE. (F)
1:11:01--SLOW IT DOWN.
1:11:45--MIKE, I LOVE YOU. (F)
1:12:06--SEND HOME. (U)
1:13:56--WAIT FOR ME OUTSIDE. (M) I might have said this.
2:56:04--I DON'T LIKE THIS. (M)
2:58:00--UN-NATURAL SOUND. No debunk for this yet.
(Reviewed from 3:03-3:29:16)
3:03:10--STAY AROUND US.
3:12:36--LOOK AT HIS FACE. (F)
3:12:52--MIKE, I LOVE YOU. (F)
3:13:20--HI MIKE. (F)
3:13:44--GET SOME WATER. (M)
3:28:18--THERE AREN'T ANY DEATHS. OF COURSE NOT. (F) (M)The first sentence was a female and a male responded.
3:28:30--Mike's on fire. He's gonna whip their fucking ass. (F)(F)

I also have numerous video sessions on the Coronavirus and the spirits have come through on those as well. I will post them as I get to them.

Coronavirus, subliminal messaging and toilet paper

What is the association here? Immediately after the first announced US death I videotaped a Safeway grocery store near my home. It showed an empty toilet paper shelf. In the carts I didn't really notice that anyone had toilet paper. This indicates to me that it was the absolute first thing people wanted after the broadcast. How did a death from coronavirus trigger people to buy toilet paper?

As the days and weeks went on it seem to increase. Costco was sold out of toilet paper just hours after opening. People were boarding city buses with arms filled with toilet paper. What the fuck is going on?

Back in the 90's I took a college course on Marketing and Advertising. In that course we learned about how subliminal messaging was being used to sell products. The message is picked up by the conscious part of your mind but rather the sub-conscious, but some how it get's transferred over and you react to the message--BUY TOILET PAPER. If this is indeed what is going on, and it seems highly likely, then who is delivering the message? MEDIA. Who else could it be? But why? Perhaps just to see how effective they are. If they can get you to buy toilet paper perhaps they can get you to do other things like, BELIEVE. The mystery here is how. In my course we learned how the products were quick flashed in television shows or at the movies. The image appears so fast that they human brain can't comprehend what it is seeing but the sub-conscious see's it, stores it, and transfers it over to the conscious part of the brain and a person will get up in the middle of the movie and go buy popcorn and a Coke. So, was a trigger word used or were there quick flashed images, or both? I have plans to find the first news broadcast and download it on my Mac and search for both quick flash images as well as trigger words.

I ran across one media feel good toilet paper stories--woman gives birth at Walmart. In this story a pregnant woman shopping for toilet paper finds an empty shelf. Her water breaks and I guess she just lies down on the floor. There just happens to be a nurse there with gloves in her pocket. Local firefighters are called in to assist. Shoppers are allowed to continue shopping while sheets are held up to protect this woman's privacy. Out comes a baby. I can't remember if the article states what sex it is but if it's a boy I hope they name it Wally, preferably if their last name is Martinsen. I believe the entire story to be fabricated, but I don't have time to do the research. The only picture given with the article is the front of the Walmart store. None of the nurse, mother, baby, firefighters or eyewitnesses holding the sheets-at least none in the few articles that I read. Here is the picture of the store.

What looks completely out of place? A 10' pole with the number 5 on top. Five is their number for death. My guess is it was photoshopped in. It isn't a speed limit sign because nobody would put it up so high that nobody could see it. As life comes in it exits in death.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coronavirus Lithuanian Warning

I got this off Jim Stone site. In the above scenario there are beings they are leaving out--alien beings. Various Reptilian races, Mantis, Grays, and perhaps other alien life here. I have posted possible pictures of them in the news on this blog. What is their role? If true it has to benefit them. And if true our fight isn't a human to human fight but rather a human to alien fight. Although I'm sure the secret society groups and various Satanic cults might be willing, or are assisting them.

If true humanity will have to wake up fast. As I type this quarantined cities can't assemble a group larger than 10 and maintain a distance of six feet. All for their own good and well being. If it's true they can't hide behind the virus for very long. Currently they are saying they are stacking bodies daily. The problem is the bodies don't come with a name or face. Are they just saying people are dead when in fact nobody has died? Why wouldn't they just say everyone who dies naturally contracted the virus and it was the virus that killed them? How many die each year from the flu? Attach the coronavirus on them. Perhaps they can't get enough doctors to go along with it. As I type all doctor appointments are being limited to essential only--life threatening or a severe emergency as well as surgeries.

The above says dissidents are targeted for removal. The two target groups thus far are seniors and homeless people. However, they've just announced it might be spreading to children. A possible fear tactic.

If alien beings are running this show with the intent on wiping out X-amount of humans all the while hiding behind this threat of a virus what are our chances? Doesn't look good. However, what about another alien race intervention? If indeed negative parasitical ET's exist and are here perhaps responsible for all of this then maybe an intervention from another ET race is the answer, or God. Both seem to be silent at the moment.

Let's wait and see.

Paint it Black

Back in the 90's I spent a couple of years in the fire department. We had to run mass casualty drills. This required triage drills. We had to quickly access the injured in an attempt to save as many as possible. We tied an appropriate color on their arm if there was one still attached. If not their leg.
Green--minor injuries
Black--you are going to die because we have too many others and not enough time to treat you. Major life threatening injury. If you are ever in this situation and you are tagged black depending on his or her time and training, you just might be able to negotiate the black for a red.

A few weeks prior to the announcement I was forced to watch a commercial on youtube. It was a Pepsi commercial. In the commercial Pepsi is announcing their new color black. In marketing and advertising great thought and planning goes into selecting a color for their product. Psychologists study human behavior and the influence color has on them, over them. Choosing the color black for a consumable product would seem to be the kiss of death. The performers all dressed in black.

The commercial was launched on February 2, 2020. Exactly 27 days before the first death in the US. If we want to play the numbers game the sum of 27 is 9. Both teams seasonal record was 15-4. That equals 11. Here we go again with 911's. This was the 54th Superbowl of which the sum is 9. It was the 11th time played in Miami.

The start time was 3:30. Thirty three is the highest degree one can obtain in Freemasonry. One of the teams playing in the Superbowl was the 49ers. The sum is 14 which reduces to 5--the number for death. Can you see a pattern? The pattern is by design and it is their signature. Was the SB an announcement that death is coming?

Just days after the virus takes it's first victim King County buys a motel to quarantine the sick. They paint it black.

Black is the color of death.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Is Dr. Li a man or a woman?

When the coronavirus reared its ugly head in the state of Washington there was some confusion. The virus had taken its first US death--the confusion was what was the gender? You might think that would be the easiest detail on the person and I'd agree with you but the two Washington's reporting it got it wrong. Washington State reported it as a man and a Washingtonian. A Washingtonian of course is a non-gender person and a vague gender description. The President in Washington DC reported the gender as a female. CDC jumped in to defend their boss and took the blame.

The hospital issued a terse news release and said that only a person died and gave no other details.
However, local Seattle media present at the hospital announcement heard that the person was a female.

Was it first announced the person was a woman, shared with the CDC as a woman, and then later found out to be a man? It seems impossible. How long was the hospital treating the person? Even if for only an hour you still have a pretty good idea if you're treating a male or a female.

Going back to the beginning of the story to the whistleblower who ironically has the virus turn on him and kill him. Another most unbelievable story. His first name is Li. The name Li is one of the most popular names in China used by both a male and a female.

What an incredible strange coincidence. It gets even more strange, or stranger. In a Google search, images of the whistleblower doctor there is a picture of him as a woman.

Is there a message here to whistleblowers whether male or female? Blow the whistle and the virus will find you. And how does the virus find a doctor of eyes? Some many odd coincidences in this story and perfect for someone like me who can recognize every single one of them. If this is all done by a god, he or she is sloppy. It's like picking apples off the ground while the serpent watches.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The hyping of Coronavirus

Have you ever wondered what the odds are that you'd be struck by lightening as you walk along the beach on a perfectly cloudless day? I do--did. The odds are 1-700,000.

Now, you can argue with their math? I suppose, but when someone is struck by lightening it's so rare it makes headline news proving it is real--and that gives a known number and hard to argue against. The coronavirus is no different. When someone actually dies from the virus they become victim number 92, or 11, 666. According to the World Health Organization the global death rate is 3.4%. If we apply that percentage to the US population the odds of a person getting infected and dying from the virus is 1-97,058,823. The number is far greater on a global scale of 7.5 billion people.

The odds are greater of you getting eaten by an alligator or eaten by a shark in the US then they are of catching the coronavirus and dying.

You have greater odds of dying in a car crash, airplane crash, train crash or on a skateboard. And, to get the alligator, and shark odds closer to the WHO odds the alligator and shark would have to eat you while you are quarantined in your home. So what do you fear more eaten by an alligator, eaten by a shark, or catching the coronavirus?

Saturday, March 14, 2020

BREAKING NEWS-Did the media published first death before it occurred?

Using a Google custom search date I discover articles with a published date prior to the announced date on February 29th, 2020. Did they update the title as well?

In the article it is riddled with numbers of 5, 9, and eleven. Or the sum of two numbers equalling 5, 9 and eleven. Death, sin and magic.

Another Google tag comes up from Newsweek with a pre-29th date.
When you click on the link it goes here.
Back down the rabbit hole.

Friday, March 13, 2020

COVID 19--The 9's and 6's leap out

The first US death falls on leap year. A leap day is to adjust for the snippets of time that don't fit in to our calendar year.  The day of leap year is always the same, 29th. Those two numbers sum up to eleven--magic.

Julius Caesar was the first king to recognize Leap Day. This was done in 45BC. The sum of 45BC is 9 and the day 29, totals to 11, and we end up with our familiar 911. Sinful Magic. Corona means crown and the crown sits on the king. Caesar was the king. The first half of the name Kirkland is Kirk meaning church. Jesus was referred to as King of Kings. The head of the Christian church.

There was one mega church in Kirkland Washington--Overlake Christian Church.

A strange coincidence of numbers appears. In 1998 the church had their hands full. Allegations were brought against the senior pastor Bob Moorhead. The allegations were that Pastor Bob had his hands full as well as he inappropriately touched men in the congregation. He resigned disgraced. Coincidently the sum of the numbers 1998 = 27 which sums up to 9.

Kirkland city council were getting numerous complaints from residents who lived around the church, primarily complaint was they can't go out of their homes. With thousands of cars parading in front of their houses and through their neighborhoods for Saturday night service and three services on Sunday. Kirkland city council put pressure on the church and the church decided to move. They moved about two miles east in Redmond Washington. The same numbers follow them.

Six, nines, and an eleven. How is this possible that the two addresses can be identical located two miles apart? And with numbers that the church wouldn't want to be associated with 666. I didn't expect to find this. And, if you add the phone number you get 15 which the sum is 6. Am I stretching this too much to link it into the coronavirus death mystery? Something says I'm not. It says the virus is as evil as the churches belief in the numbers 666, or it's the same.

COVID 19--God and me

There are 19,495 cities in the United States and the virus picks my hometown of Kirkland Washington. The city where I went to school, met my first girlfriend, bought my first car, and drank my first beer. My house was exactly two miles apart as a crow flies from Life Care and Evergreen hospital. I'm intrigued.
The name Kirk means church--Churchland. It's in King County. The name Corona means King. The first two letters of each name are the same-Ki. K is the eleventh number of the alphabet and i is the ninth.119 or 911. The sum of Kirk is 49. Occult numerology loves that number because you get a pair of 7,s--7X7 or 77. 77 is 7X11. It means seven times the magic. The sum of King is 41. The sum of those two is 5=death. Coincidently, the sum of Life is 32 which is 5=death. It seems like God really did His homework, or it's all mere coincidence. I'm fine with either. Continuing on with God math or coincidence math there are more 11's and 5's. Life Center phone number.
Evergreen phone number
Life Care Center =Magical Death
Evergreen Hospital=Magical Sin
I've already done the street math for Evergreen. For Life Care Center the four streets, 120th, 100th, 101st, and 102nd, sum up to 9. Evil or sinful. The address 10101 120th sums up to 6. Flip it unless you find two more. They get real excited when the numbers 666 synch up. I'm currently researching Dr. Li Wenliang. Intriguing story. He's an ophthalmologist. He must have good eyes. See's more than the rest of us. He was a whistleblower and the virus takes him out. Out of the thousands who have died from COVID 19 only his name is given out. Only his face is shown. This twitter post says he died on Feb 7. The time stamp on the post is Feb 6.

Spacing on this is all messed up because I wrote it up on another program and blogger only speaks one language. No time to change it.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Tennessee Tornado

Just after the virus took its first US victim a devastating tornado strikes the US. God must hate us. How could a nation under God be so cursed? I wrote an articleawhile ago showing there is no God blessing the United States. No evidence. The evidence points the other way--God is cursing the United States. Sing God Bless America all day, 24 hours a day and the next day a tornado flattens your house and kills you, and at the next church service your pastor will say, "He's with the Lord now," and the congregation chimes in, "Amen."

I found out about the tornado while listening to the radio on my drive home from work. When I got home I Google searched the images that provided a link to a youtube video. I watched as a young reporter started describing the awful details, and then something odd happened. The reporters face changed, right eye, mouth and neck. It was if there was some kind of break down as if the human visual was an overlay to something underneath. The underneath just appeared for a split second but long enough to see.

His left eye doesn't look to good either. I'm no new comer to these news broadcasters changing form--see my Christianne Amanpour write ups. I am once again amazed at the synchronicity of me finding this. I just happen to turn on my radio. Just happen to hear the story and be interested enough to search when I got home. Just happen to watch this video amongst the thousands that are posted, and just happen to see Eric's human form distort out in full on high definition. I took a video of it and did a talk through analysis and posted it on my youtube channel. I also sent the picture to the news station producer informing her young Eric seem to be having trouble holding human form. No response back. They never respond back. I also sent Eric the same message on his Facebook account. No response back.

My hope was one of them would respond and I could enter into a dialogue with them in an attempt to get an explanation into this unique media phenomena. No luck. Video posted below.

COVID 19--No Funerals

Alarming!!!! I've been searching for a dead body ever since the media, doctors, state officials, neighbors, and friends told me there was one on February 29th. In order to believe as they do I need proof. Proof for me requires a few things, a body, a face, an exact age, a death certificate, a doctor's name, family, friends, a history that they once lived, and a funeral.

I started searching for a funeral in China. My Google search / images produced nothing.

I expanded my search to anywhere.

My search entry--Victims of coronavirus laid to rest. None of the above images are related to the virus. How is that possible? If we have thousands of people around the globe who have died from this virus there must be some hard physical evidence--a body, and a picture of a funeral. With everyone now days owning a smart phone which puts a camera and a video recorder in their hand everywhere they go it has to have some how found its way onto the internet. On a blog, or youtube and then it will link into Google, so searches for a funeral will connect and show a pathway to a website or images will show in Google images. Nothing from anyone worldwide. And, this isn't just communists being secretive. Italy is completely shut down--airports are closed and there are no images from them either even though they claim there are thousands of deaths. How is it possible that media worldwide are all acting as one?

The above Google search is a general non-specific to any country but when I am specific to a certain country it still comes up empty. The image below shows the countries that supposedly have been infected. Millions of people world-wide and not a single image of a dead body, funeral, family, and friends. Why so secretive?

Maybe its been the plan all along. In an article by the Irish News I find some startling information.

Recommendations: Deceased kept in isolated cold room. Not embalmed. No public gatherings of any kind including churches, immediate cremation. Now, I'd think that if you're going to immediately cremate there's no need to embalm. Does this all sound a little overKILL? Paranoia on a double shot of steroids.

The local media in Seattle conducted a poll. The poll is basically to see how well they are selling fear. A gathering poll to see if the public is conforming. Seventy seven percent are.

It's working, and they've only been at it for two weeks. X amount of the other 23% will conform if it continues on. If it is indeed false then the hope to bring forth the truth lies with them.

And with each broadcast the news anchor, or reporter says, "Tune in tomorrow where we bring you the latest news--BREAKING NEWS.

I don't own a TV anymore. It is sitting in my garage. I'm waiting for one of those free electronic pick ups to unload it. My wife threw the remote at it so the screen is gone ensuring that nobody else will get any use out of it either. Remote is destroyed as well.

Obviously if there is no body you can't have a funeral--especially an open casket. A body is a requirement for an infection--without it you have no virus. All you have is spoken words.

I continue to search for a body, name, family members, friends of deceased, fluffy heartfelt stories, or anything personal.