"If you want to know the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."-- Nikola Tesla
The third dimension is a conglomerate of strange. It is the ghetto of all dimensions. We can't exist in 2D. The third dimension attracts all life forms. We only see human life, animal life and plant life, but what are the other life forms that are here? Spirit life. Those who were once human and lived a lifetime and are now present in our 3D reality as a spirit. Entities. Spirits who have never entered into the human lifetime process, and these are negative entities known as demons and positive entities known as angels, or spirit guides. A host of alien life. Over the years I've encountered all of the above and documented it all in great detail with video, pictures and audio. Imagine if you took all of the above life and put them into a blender, ran it for a minute and then dumped it into a confined space known as the third dimension, you have just entered the Twilight Zone. My blog will show you just how strange it is.
On March 9, 2018 my wife Gaynor, I and our dog Abbey all went to the ocean
for a few days. We stayed at the Hi-Tide Resort in Moclips Washington. We’ve
stayed here many times over the years. One drawback was that Abbey always got
sick from the water. This trip she didn’t. The weather was the best it’s ever
been. Beautiful sunsets along with unusually warm weather for early March. My plan for this trip was do nothing. Leave my cell phone turned off. Leave the television off and read. Gaynor shot all of the video using her iPhone. I had no intentions of even picking mine up so I'm awfully glad she did. I took my digital recorder down but not with the intent to use it only in case what I deem an emergency session. I don't do many sessions these days because I'm attempting to translate every recorded session I have and I have over 400 of them. However, I did load a session on the recorder with the intent to work on the translation. That session is five hours and eighteen minutes long and jammed packed with spirit activity. It was recorded on 11-27-16. It's file number 161127_001. The recorder was on my window seal with the microphone facing my backyard. I have many, too many sessions where I let the recorder run all night. I call them silent sessions because I'm silent except for my snoring, and let me say listening to yourself snore for six hours is brutal. I don't snore anymore. Incredible story. I'll share sometime.
The recorded all night sessions take a lot of time to translate. I document all the spirits with a time stamp so I can easily find it again on the session. If it's a class A EVP then I save the audio as well. I can capture up to 100 spirits in a single minute so one minute could take me 20 minutes to translate. I time stamp it 3:48:18--(What the spirit says) and then I identify whether it is a male, female or unknown and it's in brackets. (M) (F) (U). I then add an asterisk based on how loud the spirit comes through. No asterisk after identifying gender means its at a very low frequency level and I'd guess that most would never be able to hear it.
* One asterisk and you could probably hear it if I point it out telling you what the spirit says. It might take a dozen times but eventually you'll hear it.
** Two asterisks it's either at our own frequency level or just one below it and you are certain to hear it. Below is how it looks and this is exactly what the spirits said.
3:48:18—Donald Trump. (U)** Please leave now. (U)*
3:48:21—Mike said he’s stupid. (U)**
Both come through at a frequency level where you can hear them. Nineteen days before this session Donald Trump was elected president.
On this trip we captured, spirits, orbs, and a phenomena I call, "3D glitch, or frequency shift." I haven't settled on a name. The "Frequency shift," was told to me by the spirits. I think I'll use there's. For me the strangest of the captured is the frequency shift. On the video all of the third dimension goes out of focus for a single frame. It usually happens when I'm being videotaped. A popping sound usually precedes the glitch. It isn't the camera being used because I've used three different cameras and captured it on all three. What are the odds that all three are broke the same way?

Illuminating near my leg with a distant green moon orb in the night sky.

Shown following me.

Shown below looking like a distant planet.

The orb video.
The brown cylinder orb.
Also captured on this trip was some kind of spirit that partially manifests in front of me. The video shows it comes from above me, and moves down in front of me before dropping down, going behind me and then off into the sky. The captured images are from the video and are frame by frame.

It then goes behind me and circles off to my left side and then up into the sky.

Neither I or Gaynor noticed the spirit in live time. It was only after reviewing the video that it was discovered. Here is an enhanced image when it is directly in front of me.

It then goes behind me and circles off to my left side and then up into the sky.

Neither I or Gaynor noticed the spirit in live time. It was only after reviewing the video that it was discovered. Here is an enhanced image when it is directly in front of me.

The video.
If the above isn't strange enough for you in my next post I'll show you how strange a frequency shift is.
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