Tuesday, March 10, 2020

CORVID 19--Is God afraid?

"Oh ye of little faith."--Matthew 8:26

God might not be but his followers are. St. Luke's Lutheran is in Bellevue Washington. Bellevue borders Kirkland Washington. An easy hop, skip and a jump for the virus. Is the message here that prayer is ineffective against the virus, or did God Himself tell them to close operations for awhile and they are just obedient servants to their god? Thus far this is the only church that I've ran into that has closed its doors until.....who knows. An empty parking lot that is typically full on Sunday morning. The end must be nigh. The parking lot wasn't entirely empty. There was my car along with a truck pulling a horse trailer. Why is there a horse trailer parked in the parking lot?


I thought about the horses mentioned in the book of Revelations. 

And I saw, and behold a white horse! And he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him: and he rode out as a conquerer bent on conquest--Revelations 6:2

As synchronicity will have its way on the very next day I run into a Satanist priest.

The satanist priest was in the same city as the shut down church--Bellevue. I asked him if the church of satan was closed due to the virus. He said no. I asked him if he was out calming the public, sharing love. He said no he was on his way to get his nipples pierced. I asked him how many satanist priests are in Washington State? He said one--and he is the one. He said the upside down cross is only worn by a satanist priest. No other satanists get the right to wear it. I then asked him if he was lying. I know it seems like a lot of asking but it isn't everyday you run into a satanist priest. I asked him why his hair was green and shouldn't it be red. He said there's already two red-heads in his family. I asked him if he was afraid of contracting the virus and dying and then going to hell for all eternity. He told me he wasn't. He said everyone else will die and go to hell before him. I inquired more. He said in order to be vaccinated correctly you need two shots. You need the vaccine shot from China and then whatever we've concocted. He claims the virus has mutated. He some how has both shots.

So while the Christians hide and hunker down until the angel of death passes, the Satanists are fearless and out wondering the streets. I'm back out on the streets today in search of the coronavirus. Who knows if I'll run into God or the devil. I'm not afraid of either. 

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