Friday, July 20, 2018

File 161127_001

I've been working on translating this audio file since April 19th 2018. It's a five hour file jam packed with spirits. It ran all night on my window seal while I slept. At times it might be averaging around 60 to 100 spirits per minute and that's just the ones I can hear well enough to translate. That's 6,000 spirits per hour X 5 hours = 30,000 spirits. It's a spirit rock concert. Multiply that out over 24 hours and we get 114,000 spirit voices. Now it's a rock concert, NFL game, Billy Graham convention, and everyone watching re-runs of the Jerry Seinfeld show.

Here are samples of the 36,000 spirits that were captured on this audio file.

The first spirit says, "It's over."

Second spirit says, "Come out." Referring to my spirit not my physical body.

Third spirit says, "Mike's house." Headphones and volume on high are strongly advised.

"It's over"--"Come out"--Mike's house

As I review this session I will post select audio and time points. I won't put audio on each one but this allows you to track the session as I go, at least for the final hour. The entire translation of this audio is over 26 pages, thus far.

"Please, come help us."
4:15:31--"Help me."
4:16:27--Mike. Try and stop him.
4:17:29--Get off.
4:17:33--Hi Mike.
4:17:44--Hi Mike. (Different spirit from 4:17:33. Note: I currently have 271 saved audio files off this session with one hour left. This session will easily get to 400.)
4:17:47--Please help.
4:18:37--BUZZING NOISE (Here's an example of this buzzing sound that starts and stops throughout the session. I'm going to add this to my Tesla write up as well. Is Tesla responsible for the buzzing? His name appears immediately after.)
4:19:02--Tesla Nikola
(And I'm excited to introduce one of the spirits that has been with me my entire life--Andy.)
4:22:13--I'm Andy.
4:22:14--Mike knows that.
4:22:18--Mike I love you. (I believe this is the spirit of Sabrina.)
4:30:19--Don't believe in....reliiiigion.
4:31:24--I'm alone by Peggy.
4:32:35--Mike wake up.
4:35:15--I'M OUT ON THE.....?
4:37:01--We can help Mike.
4:37:03--Mike doesn't need our help. (Maybe I do. Buzzing had stopped at some point, but now it starts again at time point 4:37:52. With the increase in buzzing I'm wondering if Tesla's name will once again come through. At time point 4:38:49--Tesla, right now. I can clearly hear the entire audio but when I saved it to an individual file I loose the Tesla. I'm not sure why. It seems to drop down in a lower frequency for some reason. His name comes through again. I amplify the audio.)

4:39:15--Who's destiny?
4:39:28--Gaynor come outside. I'm coming. (I believe this supports my claim that our spirit does leave our body while consciously unaware and go into the spirit world. I've captured my own voice on the other side. It's very strange to listen to.)
4:39:38--Who is this?
4:40:00--When does Mike wake up?

4:40:04--Mike is going down.
4:40:09--Gaynor is in the garage.
4:40:26--Bring him home. We can't. (On numerous sessions I've heard the spirits say things similar to this as if I'm here on some kind of mission. Am I?)
4:40:29--I already am home. How do I get home? (I respond through my breathing while asleep)
4:40:41--Mike do you want to come home with us?
4:40:45--Oh my god.
4:41:07--He's testing you.
4:41:43--Kill Mike. (I'm a perceived threat to negative entities. I take that as a good thing. They like to throw in a little confusion. See if they can make me doubt that I am a being of love. They can't, but they try.)
4:41:52--Go back to Satan Mike
4:41:57--Lot's of Satan's in the house. He knows. (There were. It took me awhile to identify them and deal with them on an individual basis or as a legion. Didn't matter to me. The trailing spirit indicates that I even asleep am aware who is there.)
4:42:04--Hi Mike.
4:42:41--You're alright.
(At 4:22:13 you met Andy. Now you get to meet Sabrina.  She has been with me since I was two. I'm now 57. She died when she was 18 of an illness mid 1700's. I told her I'm not sure I like having a teenage girl hanging around me. She said, "Mike, I'm 18 going on 250. I'm a lot older than you are." Picture shown is close to what she looks like. Interesting story on that as well. Coincidently she looks real close to the singer in the video. Sabrina woke me up inside and continues to bring me to life. She fires back, "You woke me up, brought me to life." The spirit world built a bridge and called out to me. I walked across the bridge. Sabrina and Andy were there to greet me. They claim I built the bridge.) 
4:42:51--Mike, this is Sabrina.
4:44:08--Mike's home.
4:44:11--Faster. Move along.
4:44:18--Mike this is a big girl.
4:44:20--Kelsy you're not a girl.
4:45:04--Mike we're here to help you.
4:45:30--I'm Andrew.
4:46:02--Mike's stupid.
4:46:13--Hi Mike.
4:46:34--Bye Mike. (Same female spirit as above.)
4:47:39--Don't wait for her. Don't push. (I've heard the strangest things coming from my backyard or worse inside my bedroom. Some of them I'm glad I was asleep. This is one of them.)
4:47:50--You know Mike is still asleep.
4:48:19--Mike's like a god.
4:48:28--Test this.
4:50:23--Hi Mike.
4:50:18--Stop it.
4:50:28--Hi Mike. Tesla proved it.

4:51:48--I love Mike.
4:51:52--Try to be Tesla.
4:51:59--Tesla should be....
4:52:02--It's normal.
"Is it not written in your law, I say ye are gods?" John 10:34
4:52:06--You're God.
4:52:41--Hello Mike. There's spirits in here. (This female spirit came through on a very low frequency, but I could hear her perfectly as if her voice was beamed into my head. I played it back several times to make sure I was hearing her. I'm sure if I go back to this time point in a month I won't hear her. This is an example of being able to hear them at their lowest frequencies.
4:52:51--We all need someone.
4:53:37--Mike, my name's Trisha. ( Many spirits will say their name and at times their last name. I've attempted to look for them but need a lot more information--Date they were born, date they died, location. Some died in the 1600's were there were no records. That makes it impossible, but one day I'd like to find a spirit. I'd like to get all of their information and look them up. Sabrina and Andy have no interest in me looking them up. I've ask them several times for information  and they won't provide it. Sabrina say's it's not important and I don't need to know. Andy shares her view. Twenty five minutes left in this session. I'm taking a break.)
4:53:46--Wake up Mike. Pull out Mike's gone.
4:53::49--Mike can you hear me?
4:53:52--Mike's trying to kill us.
4:54:00--Where's Mike? Stay out.
4:54:05--Mike, I don't want you--Find me.
4:54:09--Find us. KNOCK

4:54:20--Mike's alright. It's an alien. (Cricket sound) Mmmm huh.
(You've met Andy and Sabrina and now an alien. Since day one that I've been recording it randomly captures what sounds like a cricket in my room. I don't have crickets in my room and rarely ever hear them outside. The recorder is capturing something other than spirit life. Are the spirits letting me know there is an alien present? Yes. The alien race is Mantis. Rest assured I will have a lot to say about the Mantis.
4:54:53--Mike's in here. Gaynor
4:54:59--Please. Oh my god.
4:55:04--There's your wallet. (Why would a spirit need a wallet?)
4:55:23--Mike we are listening to you.
4:55:28--Mike and Gaynor.
4:55:32--Mike scares me.
4:55:52--Mike. (A female spirit says my name. Whenever I hear just my name I listen for an additional 10 seconds to see if the spirit says anything else. I believe this voice to be the voice of Sabrina. She didn't say anything else or it dropped off the frequency.)
4:55:54--Is he upstairs? (Clear enough if amplified.)
4:55:56--Hell over Mike. (Or "Hello Mike." It sounds more like hell over. At times I think hell was all around me, but it's around us all. The third dimension is a duel system of good and evil. We are here to experience evil. Where we came from it doesn't exist. Is it a coincidence that evil is live? And, I am not encouraging anyone to participate in evil. Just see it. Observe it, experience it without participating.
4:56:22--Who's in there? I jammed him.
4:56:28--Kill Mike. (Here's an example of a possible negative entity. I have numerous stories on their threats and attempts to kill me. They want me dead, but they probably want a lot of others dead as well.)
4:56:44--Hi Mike. (Sabrina.)
4:56:54--It might go away. (Buzzing noise returns. Spirit might be referring to that.)
4:56:56--Who's there?
4:57:02--Why would I want to choke him?
4:57:07--There's seven.
4:57:10--Tell Mike I love him.
4:57:16--We're not going away. That was a false alarm.
4:57:21--That was a bitch.
4:57:24--I might kill Mike.
4:57:25--I'm testing.
4:57:33--What's this? Marcie.
4:57:40--Mike's got a claim on her.
4:57:47--We're gonna work on this.
(All of the above are saved audio. Because of the time it takes to create them into an audio here I opted out.)
4:57:50--I have a life. (This might be me. I do have a life, but over the last two years it has been divided between two worlds. It's 5:05am and I have to stop the translation. I can't concentrate. My mind wants to go onto other projects. I think this is why I didn't take the time to turn all of the above files into audio links. This session has taken me months and I'm frustrated that I haven't even translated the first month when this all started on 11/19/16. I have one more file to get out of the month of November 2016--File 161130_001. Thus far there are 61 audio files on this write up on this file.)
4:58:01--Mike what's wrong?
4:58:15--There's a man.
4:58:48--Everyone go outside.
4:58:50--Hi Mike.
4:59:57--Hi Mike.
5:00:13--I love you Mike.
5:01:22--Find me.
5:01:44--Buzzing sound shuts off.
5:02:35--Help somebody.
5:03:46--Stop him.
5:04:20--Spin him around Sabrina.
5:04:34--Knock, knock.
5:04:46--LOUD KNOCK (I don't wake up.)

5:05:38--Buzzing off. (Here's a real good example of when the buzzing shuts off.)
5:05:48--Hi Mike.
5:06:35--Wake up. (Deep hum sound) Tesla's wrong.
5:07:00--I don't want you.
5:07:05-Go downstairs.
5:07:3--Mike is good.
5:07:33--Fight Gaynor.
5:07:36--Hi Mike.
5:08:04--You're gonna live.
5:08:27--Mike talk to Andy.
5:08:57--Mike you coming outside?
5:11:32--I love Mike. Quiet.
5:12:27--Get out of here.
5:12:29--Tell him not to work on this.
5:13:04--Gaynor's good.
5:13:25--Call Sabrina.
5:13:52--Mike and Gaynor.
5:14:13--Leave Mike alone.
5:14:33--We don't know Mike.
5:15:00--Something's wrong.
5:15:13--Hate those bastards.
5:15:34--I'm in here.
5:15:52--Mike we love you.
5:16:08--Get out of the house.
5:16:27--Wait for Gaynor.
5:17:02--I'm Dawson. Dawson.
5:17:22--Feel the water. Mike.
5:17:25--Nobody make a move.
5:17:41--Mike I love you.

Over the months I've had days where I didn't review this session, maybe even a week would pass. Sabrina was always there encouraging me to please review it. She said it's important in my awakening process and that I need to hear what is in the session. I told her I have a life, a wife, a family, a dog, friends, a job, a garden, a bar, crows, owls, hobbies and a fence that is falling down. She acknowledged all of that. She also acknowledged that she herself is demanding of my time. We compromised and I agreed to do at least 20 minutes a day and I failed on that many times. In 20 minutes I might only listen to three or four minutes of the session depending on how many spirits I have to document, and as you can see there are a lot. Reviewing this session and posting it here as I document it is fueling me to get it done. I have a lot to write on so I need to get this done. Tesla's repeated name is also fueling me. I love the mystery. Don't we all. This session took me four months to translate and document. I captured 390 EVP's. Most would be considered class A. I have one more session to get out of the month of November 2016. It is three hours and fifty two minutes. That too will take some time.

A friend upon seeing and hearing the mountain of paranormal evidence I've accumulated over the last 21 months said that he believes I may be the greatest medium alive. I jokingly responded, "Well, I'm not a medium, so perhaps we just drop that word and say I'm the greatest alive."

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