Thursday, April 11, 2019

Another April Another Entity

A spirit requested I run a session--she wanted to come through. I honored her request and ran an eight minute session file number 190409_001. Numerous spirits were captured minus the female spirit who requested it. Her name was mentioned in the session several times even one spirit asking where she was. Her name is Sabrina.

The recorder was placed in my office on my messy desk. I was outside enjoying a glass of wine in my garden. The loudest spirit to come through was probably an entity. It said, "I'll deal with Mike tomorrow morning." A male spirit responded and said, "Fuck you, get out." This was followed by a spirit who said, "You may beat me." It's entirely possible that it was I who said, "You may beat me," or rather my spirit. I have captured my spirit on the recorder before, although the voice that seems to come through doesn't sound like me it seems to fit the conversation unless there was another Mike present and the entity was referring to that Mike. Highly unlikely. The audio is posted below.


The time point is 7:54 near the end of the session. The session was 8:26. I had come in and was standing in my office looking at the recorder. I stood silently for around 10 seconds. I did hear the voice but in live time I couldn't make out what it said, nor did I hear the responses. The next morning I awoke and I was glad.

Below is the audio files captured. Time point for each audio is the numbers at the end. I will post some of these. Spirits, at times make a lot of derogatory comments. I don't hide it. I won't cherry pick and post just the love and light.

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