Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The odd spirits of the Redmond Bar and Grill

"Let your secrets follow you down."--Billy Squire Lonely is the night

Redmond Bar and Grill
7979 Leary Way
Redmond, Washington

The Odd Fellows are another secret society like the Freemasons. Practically a clone using the same symbols and rituals. One, or more rituals even requires a corpse, or the bones of the corpse. You'd have to be quite odd to want to participate in this kind of activity.

Just where they got the corpse from isn't known. It's a secret, but they have a knack for leaving the bones in the buildings when they vacate a location. Upon doing a little remodel the coffin and bones are discovered. The Odd Fellows say they aren't a secret society it's just what they do inside is for members only.

After leaving the gravesite of Bruce Lee I stopped on my way home for a beer and lunch at the Redmond Bar and Grill formerly Oddfellows Grill. I knew the structure of the building was old but I didn't know the history of the building. The building was built in 1903 and purchased by the Odd Fellows organization in 1926. What secrets are there in 1926? What secrets are still there in 2019?

You can see the Odd Fellow chain link symbol hanging over the front window. The say it represents friendship, love and truth. Out of the three I'm sure there are friends who you want to remain a secret, and maybe some love too. The chain link symbol remains on the building today. It was moved and mounted to the top of the building.

The city of Redmond granted the new owners $3,022 for the remounting and preservation of the Odd Fellows three rings.

There is a few odd notable coincidences. Secret societies are known to be superstitious with numbers. They choreograph events around the numbers along with location coordinates. Notice there are three links in the chain ring and this isn't done by accident. In Freemasonry they have degrees of which their members climb. The highest number being 33--duplicating threes. However the Scottish Rite only goes to number 32. The first odd coincidence is the numbers of the address 7979. A pair of duplicating numbers with an esoteric meaning considered to be Angel Numbers. However when you add them up 7+9+7+9=32. The exact number of the highest order of one sect of Freemasonry.

The next oddity is the street name Leary. The definition of the word leary is wary or suspicious--and most are leary of those belonging to a secret society. There are two numbers that we all recognize as numbers associated with meaning 9 and 11. In occult numerology the number 9 represents sin and the number 11 magic. Together sinful magic. I decided to look up the latitude / longitude cordinates for 7979 Leary Way and see if any odd numbers come up.

Latitude 47.674433. I add them together 4+7+6+7+4+4+3+3=38
3+8=11 We have an eleven. Now all we need is a nine.

Longitude -122.122602 Add the numbers 1+2+2+1+2+2+6+0+2=18

Magical sin, or sinful magic.

Is all of this just a mere coincidence? Doesn't this seem a little odd? Can we assume that perhaps the Odd Fellows through their rituals conjured up a little magic, a little sin in this building located at 7979 Leary Way?

When the bar was Oddfellows Grill they featured live music. The band would play in the front of the building in the location where the left window is. Inside it didn't look like a typical bar. Below is an old picture of what the inside looked like. It makes me wonder what the inside looked like when the Odd Fellows owned it. What were the two small rooms in the front used for? The left side now is a sitting area and the right side is where the bathrooms are located.

When looking at the selection of IPA's to my surprise there was a beer with a ghost in the name.

I ordered one and then another. I stopped at two. Quite good. Light for an IPA. The haze in the beer almost gives it a ghost look. Knowing the building was old I decided to shoot a quick video. I knew that if there were spirits inside they would immediately come alive so no need to shoot five minutes of video. The same feeling I had at Bruce's gravesite. The video captured some type of white mist just down from me and next to a man. It seems to have form.

It's as if someone or something is sitting in the chair next to the man. It looks like a skeleton just like the Odd Fellows would use in their rituals.

It moves over the bar.

It changes to two smaller white forms.

The video captured numerous spirit voices of which I will list and eventually replace them with the actual audio. The bar was quite noisy requiring me to ignore the front sounds and search behind it. The spirits use the sound energy to come across. Captured audio below in the actual order. Sex of the spirit indicated if known.

"What's your name boy?" (Female)
"They've been watching you." (U) (Sounds like a kid. Low frequency.)
"HOLD OFF." (M) (When I initially heard this it said, "Wake up." I can't hear that now for some reason.)
"Where'd you find Mike Huggins?" (M)
"I CAN KILL YOU." (The final spirit to come through on the video indicates that she can kill someone possibly me. Obviously she isn't speaking to the dead. Not exactly the way I like to close a session but I don't cherry pick and only post love and light. I post what comes through good, bad and ugly.

As I mentioned above Oddfellows Grill hosted live music of which RBG's now does as well. Shown below is a video taken inside the bar when it was Oddfellows. The Larry Mitchell Band is playing.

At 0:037 seconds of the video Larry does a brief riff of Lonely is the Night by Billy Squire. To my listening regret he then kicks out of it. A perfect song for a building filled with SECRETS. As a spiritualist and a person who has been to numerous haunted locations I'd say without a doubt the Redmond Bar and Grill is haunted. 

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