Saturday, July 28, 2018

New York City-- Spirit Field Test

After a year of working in the spirit world I wondered how well known I was--in their world. I decided to do some experiments on it, away from my home. Places where the spirits that I interact shouldn't be, although they can certainly follow me and I had to screen for that. One place I decided to do a field test was in a hospital. I found out which floor people are on who are closest to dying and went to that lobby. There wasn't many people there--most where just the staff. I turned on my recorder in my car, walked through the parking lot into the hospital and up to the fourth floor and into the lobby and just stood at a table for a few minutes and let the recorder run. They repeatedly called out my name.

A friend of mine went to New York. The date was 11/17/17. I asked him if he wouldn't mind taking some video for me and then send it to me, but before he starts the video I asked him to just say my full name, nothing more. The results were amazing. Not only was my name mentioned but my wife's name as well--Gaynor. One slight contamination--Sabrina. My spirit Sabrina went there and got in on the video. I gave her and Andy no instructions on this so my bad. I really wanted to keep her and Andy here. Andy doesn't come through, but Sabrina is definitely there.

Video three is done. Attempting to post it now. Youtube moving like a snail. Let me say that on all of these videos I loaded them into a audio program where I could easily loop a specific spirit and determine what that spirit said. The noise contamination isn't a concern for me because I know they can use the sound energy to produce words and sentences. And they do. However, it can still be annoying for the listener. I understand that.

Once again Sabrina comes through as does my wife's name. We learn spirits get horny. I thought about taking it out but why? It's what I heard so leave it in. I hate editing out what the spirits say unless it is overly vulgar. The spirits mention, "the bull." The zodiac sign for bull is Taurus. Taurus is also Pleiades. November of 2016 is when it all started for me. Also my wife's zodiac sign is Taurus. Some interesting connections here.

The spirits mention that I'm trying to figure out Sabrina. Of course I am. They say wait until summer. I waited until summer to post this.

On video four things get tough. Some spirits it seem want to kill me and Sabrina says they can. What?

The spirits say a lot of things about Sabrina, but me being dead isn't what she wants. This I know. Things get a little satanic. 

Who would have ever thought there would ever be anything satanic in New York. Me. I've been there. It's stamped all over, but to be fair it's everywhere. I did a two second Google search and found this. 
In all of the demonic entities that I've dealt with only a few have said to me, "I'm going to kill you." Most of the spirit voices are requesting someone else kill me. Why? Because they can't. Their spirit isn't strong enough. My spirit doesn't back down from them even though I hold no religious beliefs. 

A spirit tries to pick Sabrina up and take her downtown. Ha...ha...ha...Hey baby, you want to go for a ride. I found this most humorous. 
She declines. ???? She wasn't there to party in New York. She was there to come through on this video and try and monitor who else comes through on it. The video ends with two spirits debating over who fucked whom. 
All five videos were loaded on a audio program to separate the spirit voices. I then added them into the video. I didn't delete anything other than the persons name who took the video. The spirits said it multiple times. Oh, and I think I might have deleted a few extremely vulgar spirits comments. I don't like to delete anything. I want to show it as it actually is. Show the good, bad, and ugly. All three are there. They always are. Just like here.

I love how the title says, "Sabrina, care to take a ride?" She's on my ride and has been for a long time. 

Five coming up.

On video five there are three prominent spirits that come through. The first is:
The "Mike knows," comes through on a lower frequency but the "Mike," can clearly be heard. The second featured spirit says:
I've heard this repeatedly over the last 21 months. I could do a compilation audio / video of them saying this, and I just might. Once again my wife's name is mentioned. The next featured spirit says:
Another request for help. On this I did do a compilation video. In almost every recorded session that I've ran there are at least one or two spirits requesting help. Towards the end you'll see, "He's friends with Mike." Prior to this they say the person's full name who took the video for me. I deleted it. The final featured spirit says:

Video 5

I'll do more of these field tests in the future. This one with me nearly 3,000 miles away is truly amazing.

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