Sunday, July 1, 2018

A Lot

I’m looking at a lot in Moclips Washington. 
It’s not a lot, but it’s a lot. Behind it is a lot of water.


They want a lot too. A lot more than I think it’s worth. I already have a lot. Purchasing this and I’d have a lot more. Not a lot of people looking for a lot here. This makes me think the price could be reduced by a lot. I could possibly trade a lot for a lot. Maybe I’d gain a lot, but maybe I’d lose a lot. I don’t have a lot to lose and I don’t gamble a lot. I’m discovering that a lot can make you think a lot. I don’t think a lot about a lot. This may be the first time a lot made me think, and the first time I’ve ever written about a lot. I write a lot too, but not about a lot. I’m now thinking that people who read this have just read a lot. A lot more than they probably wanted to, but now they know a lot—a lot about me and a lot. Hopefully you wanted to know a lot about me, and a lot, otherwise a lot of time has been wasted on a lot.

I’m thinking I don’t have to decide now I have a lot of time, or do I? Nobody knows a lot about time. A lot has been on my mind for quite some time. A lot has happened and is happening. I know this to be true because I’m staring at a lot. Directly across from the lot is a lot. It’s a lot less. But this lot is a lot better. My wife doesn’t need a lot but she wants a lot. I told her she already has a lot—me. She says she wants a lot more--grrrrrrr. I want a lot too and we’ll need to agree on a lot and then I’ll feel a lot better. There's a lot across the street but this one is a lot better.
 We met a lot of people who live here. Nancy has a lot across the street. She also has a lot of plants. I have a lot of plants. I asked her a lot about the lot. She didn’t know a lot. I seem to know a lot more. There’s a lot of stray dogs here and not a lot you can do about it. My wife wants a lot of dogs. For me, one dog is a lot. I don’t drink a lot, but this decision may require I drink a lot more, and there’s a lot of beer in the refrigerator. I’ll let a lot of you know what I / we decide about a lot.

The End………of a lot.

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