Friday, March 13, 2020

COVID 19--The 9's and 6's leap out

The first US death falls on leap year. A leap day is to adjust for the snippets of time that don't fit in to our calendar year.  The day of leap year is always the same, 29th. Those two numbers sum up to eleven--magic.

Julius Caesar was the first king to recognize Leap Day. This was done in 45BC. The sum of 45BC is 9 and the day 29, totals to 11, and we end up with our familiar 911. Sinful Magic. Corona means crown and the crown sits on the king. Caesar was the king. The first half of the name Kirkland is Kirk meaning church. Jesus was referred to as King of Kings. The head of the Christian church.

There was one mega church in Kirkland Washington--Overlake Christian Church.

A strange coincidence of numbers appears. In 1998 the church had their hands full. Allegations were brought against the senior pastor Bob Moorhead. The allegations were that Pastor Bob had his hands full as well as he inappropriately touched men in the congregation. He resigned disgraced. Coincidently the sum of the numbers 1998 = 27 which sums up to 9.

Kirkland city council were getting numerous complaints from residents who lived around the church, primarily complaint was they can't go out of their homes. With thousands of cars parading in front of their houses and through their neighborhoods for Saturday night service and three services on Sunday. Kirkland city council put pressure on the church and the church decided to move. They moved about two miles east in Redmond Washington. The same numbers follow them.

Six, nines, and an eleven. How is this possible that the two addresses can be identical located two miles apart? And with numbers that the church wouldn't want to be associated with 666. I didn't expect to find this. And, if you add the phone number you get 15 which the sum is 6. Am I stretching this too much to link it into the coronavirus death mystery? Something says I'm not. It says the virus is as evil as the churches belief in the numbers 666, or it's the same.

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