Being a bird lover I've had numerous encounters with crows, black capped chickadees, northern flickers, Jays, robins, owls, hawks, eagles, but never a seagull other than just observing them in flight and wondering.
One week later at the exact location the same seagull came to me again. We know crows have facial recognition, but we never transfer that over to other birds. To me it proves seagulls do have facial recognition, and perhaps all birds do--we know so little. I starting thinking about a bird song I loved as a teenager, Seagull by Paul Rodgers. There are some lyrics that synch up with our current situation in Kirkland Washington, my home town. Those lyrics are,
Here is a man asking a question.
Is this really the end of the world?
Seagull you must have known for a long time.
The shape of things to come.
When the virus reared it's ugly head in my hometown and the deaths started flowing I asked the question--Is this really the end of the world? An immediate response came back to me--NO, but perhaps the seagull seen it coming. We know so little.
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