Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The hyping of Coronavirus

Have you ever wondered what the odds are that you'd be struck by lightening as you walk along the beach on a perfectly cloudless day? I do--did. The odds are 1-700,000.

Now, you can argue with their math? I suppose, but when someone is struck by lightening it's so rare it makes headline news proving it is real--and that gives a known number and hard to argue against. The coronavirus is no different. When someone actually dies from the virus they become victim number 92, or 11, 666. According to the World Health Organization the global death rate is 3.4%. If we apply that percentage to the US population the odds of a person getting infected and dying from the virus is 1-97,058,823. The number is far greater on a global scale of 7.5 billion people.

The odds are greater of you getting eaten by an alligator or eaten by a shark in the US then they are of catching the coronavirus and dying.

You have greater odds of dying in a car crash, airplane crash, train crash or on a skateboard. And, to get the alligator, and shark odds closer to the WHO odds the alligator and shark would have to eat you while you are quarantined in your home. So what do you fear more eaten by an alligator, eaten by a shark, or catching the coronavirus?

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