Monday, July 2, 2018

Cell Phone Butt Call

Two days ago I wrote an article on Tesla and how his name keeps coming up in sessions. That night I'm outside having a glass of wine with my wife, my phone is in my sweater pocket. My wife's phone is inside our house. Some how my phone calls my wife's phone. These are known as butt calls. A butt call is when your phone is in your back pocket, you sit on it and it randomly calls someone in your contact list. It can also do this from inside a sweater pocket or woman's purse. Her phone went to voicemail and recorded us outside for three minutes, however some spirits decided to leave a voicemail too. Tesla's name was mentioned.

After this spirit says, "Tesla ethnic," it is followed by another spirit who also says, "Tesla." Click on the link below to listen.

"Tesla ethnic.....Tesla"

At the very beginning of the voicemail a spirit clearly says this:

Click on the link below to listen.
"Hi Mike. Electric."

I think the names Tesla and electric are synonymous. I shot a video of the cell phone playing and am in the process of translating it. I have to discuss it with my wife before posting it on my youtube channel. A few derogatory spirits also were able to leave a voicemail and they aren't all that nice. However, the synchronicity of my post to this blog early that morning and then capturing Tesla's name that evening is nothing short of a magical miracle and this is my life daily. I plan on  working on it over the next couple of days.

Update: The video will not be released to my youtube channel due to sensitive material on it.

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