I took some video the other night of my garden. The picture below is a picture of our fountain in one of the garden beds. It has a spotlight on it. As you can see it appears to be an evil looking casper the friendly ghost. It's quite amazing. A friend commented that it look like an evil clown. I told her it was ghost humor.
The video was nine minutes long and during this time Pandora was playing music in my backyard. Two songs played. The first was every rose has has its thorn by the rock band Poison. The other was Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin.
I panned across to my rose bed. The first captured spirit says, "We like Mike." I like that, but not all of them like me as you'll see. Some want me dead. The next one I heard was a female and she identifies herself. "Mike this is Lisa." When a spirit identifies themselves to me I believe I know the spirit. Either in this lifetime or a past. I do know a Lisa. A male spirit comes through and seems to support my view that I know her. He says, "Lisa and Mike."
The next spirit tells someone to, "Stay here." Who? Upon further review I now can hear the spirit say, I want to stay here. I initially only heard the, "Stay here." My bad. A female spirit says, "I want this."
A spirit wants others to laugh at it. "Laugh at me."
"Mike this is real." I know it is. The difficult part is explaining it.
"Hi Mike."
A negative spirit has a negative suggestion. It is immediately answered.
"Kill Mike. You can't kill Mike."
They've tried, and they request it all the time. I have plans to do some write ups on those experiences. The spirit who said they can't kill me follows it up with this--"He'll get you." They aren't referring to me in the physical but me in the spirit. I seem to respond back "This is my house." I've captured myself numerous times talking in the spirit world. Sometimes I sound the same while other times I sound different. I am open to the fact that this could very well be a negative entity claiming it as it's own. The house is mine.
"This is about serving Mike." I don't like the word, "serve." I'd prefer the spirit say, help, or assist. It's very kind to say what it said though.
A female spirit comes through and says hi. "Hi Mike." A number comes through very clear Seven. The next spirit says, "You came to me first." A spirit then mentions a birthday. I believe the date is mentioned and it is my birthday. However, I'm not sure. I leave it off, but wonder what date others might here. "His birthday." A female spirit comes through and says, "Bye Mike." Good-bye my spirit friend. Please visit again.
I go to bed early because I awake early. On this night I was up late and the spirits acknowledge it. "Mike you're suppose to be sleeping." A spirit comes through not wanting to tell someone something. "I don't want to tell him." Another spirit wants me killed. "Kill Mike." The negative spirits develop a plan, "Give him a heart attack." This won't work. I'm too physically fit. Marathon runner fit. BP =100/60. Go back to killing drawing board.
The next song to play was Stairway to heaven by Led Zeppelin. I went back over to the fountain and shot some video of the flame coming off the Tiki torch. The flame split producing a pair of horns. The devil? The Great Horned Owl, or the Taurus Bull? It illuminated an offset additional pair of green horns.
It cast an H representing my last name.
I pan around to my bar, Bird House Bar. As I pan around a group of white orbs follows.
The bar. At the bar a spirit asked for a sound check. "Make a sound." Another spirit asked, "Mike what the hell you doing?"
I walk over to it.
A spirit indicates it wants to dance with me. "Mike I want to come dance with you." Bring it on.
The spirits want me to know they are there. A request is made by one of them.
A sound is immediately produced by one of them. Also, my two spirits of Sabrina and Andy don't seem to be present. I inquired and Sabrina said they weren't there during the making of the video.
I zoom in on a bottle of vodka which bares the name of rock legend Jimi Hendrix. A grunt sound is captured. Demon Is my guess. A spirit would more than likely talk. I didn't feel anything negative though.
My name is then called out multiple times.
It translates out as "Mike, Mike, I'm really close to you. You're so groovy." There are two spirits here. The first is a male and the second a female.
I leave the bar and plan to head to the back of my garden while Stairway to heaven plays ramping up to it's big finish. Just as I get to the fountain a negative spirit says, "Die Mike."
It is immediately followed by a spirit who says, "We say hello."
Another Tiki torch to the back of my garden produces the same green horns. A female spirit cries out, "There's Mike."
A spirit makes a request validating that Andy isn't present during this time thus confirming what Sabrina said that they weren't present.
"Get Andy."
A shadow on the fence produces another pair of horns. At no time during the making of the video did I or my wife feel any negative spirit present.
I pan around an a back tree with a spotlight on it seems to also produce a pair of horns.
I turn around and take some video of my house with the moon above. A pair of orbs comes in. A spirit indicates it is trying to reach me. "I'm trying to reach Mike."
They are green. Are they the ones responsible for the green illuminating fire horns?
Something blocks out the moon. Whatever it is it goes in a counter clockwise position circling the top and then blocking the moon. The debunk is one of the leaf's off my 10' sunflower plant, but it seems to strange. The movement is un-natural. It actually circles the moon counter clock wise.
I'm left wondering on this one. A good de-bunk is there, as an option, but it doesn't seem to fit. The leaf should always be present thus blocking the moon during the entire video forcing me to move to a different location. The video did capture some remarkable images as well as clear class A EVP's. I'm not sure I'm going to put it on my youtube channel or not. If I do I will break it up into a few iMovies rather than one long one. Robert Plant is finishing up the final lyrics to the song, "And she's buying a stairway to heaven." He doesn't say heaven. The spirits do..."HEAVEN."
Oooh, it makes me wonder.
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