Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Pine Lake Ale House

On July 7, 2019 my wife and I went to the Pine Lake Ale House to watch the women's world cup finals between USA and the Netherlands. An early game and Bloody Mary's were the drink of choice. Eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast tea and coffee were also served. I only needed a Bloody Mary / Mary's. I've been in this ale house many times and was even sitting at the bar on their first day of business. The building had historical meaning to me--it was once a place where I did all my banking as a 20 something young man--Seafirst Bank. Sadly, there's some dark history to this building. Two young men robbed the bank and shot and killed a bank teller and escaped on a motorcycle. I didn't do any banking that day.

The inside of the banks were all kind of set up the same as I recall. As you can see an innocent bank teller has no protection. A lone camera hangs on the wall near the safe deposit door so it can identify the robber / murderer.

Knowing a person died in the building I decided to shoot some video inside. I do this at every location I presume may be active with spirits--Matador's in Redmond,, Redmond Bar & Grill, and Kell's in Seattle to name a few. All of them convinced me spirits were active, and I did write up's on all of them. Kell's is advertised as haunted.

My video indicated to me the bar has active spirits there. Over the years I've learned that spirits use our own sound energy to communicate. In a noisy bar they can manipulate the sound or even words from conversations to produce their own message to a given person. This is often missed by paranormal investigators as they try and investigate in a sterile noise free environment.

 Some of the names mentioned, Sabrina, Isis as well as my own. I'm use to finding Sabrina's name in my video's--a spirit attachment to me. Isis is very intriguing because I've ran into ancient name's in the past--King Cyrus being one of them. I even named a brave crow Cyrus.

The audio captured, "Tell Mike this, my name is Isis." I find this interesting because I often hear a spirit asking another spirit to give me a message. Why can't Isis tell me her name?

There may be a reason. In 2016 I awoke one morning to discover I could hear voices--spirit voices. These voices addressed me by my name. Some of the voices were coming through on our own frequency while others seem to be by telepathy. The audible ones on our own frequency were okay. It's like you and I talking but the telepathy interfered with my own thoughts. A constant interruption. There was one dominant voice who introduced herself as Sabrina. I had to stop the telepathic voices so I set up a system of communicating with me. All spirits had to go through Sabrina if they wanted any telepathic communications with me. Audibly I didn't care if they say, "Hi Mike," on our own frequency. It creeped me out at times because I'm not expecting to hear any voices while making a cup of tea. This system worked so it's possible that a spirit named Isis is speaking to Sabrina asking her to let me know her name. The spirits may know that Sabrina has open communications with me--open meaning she can interrupt my own thoughts. She rarely does unless we go a day or two without communicating. Speculation I know, but there's a lot of speculation in paranormal.

"Tell Mike we're shot."

On this one I had trouble with the last word, shot or shocked? Shot won because I could hear the hard T on the finish. So the confusing word then is "we're," implying multiple. Only one person was shot on the day of the robbery. Here we can interject more speculation. Perhaps there were other spirits there who had died by being shot and they were together, and again asking Sabrina to let me know.

Spirits at times can manipulate lighting. It's happened to me numerous times. I'm always amazed by it. I call it the blinking light phenomena--even if it doesn't blink and just goes off and on. The video shows a very strange light anomaly. Now the owners or staff may be able to debunk this by saying yes it was me who said, "Don't turn the light on." But, someone turned the light on anyway.

Off  on It is far more noticeable in the video.

On May 20th I badly damaged two fingers on my left hand--both needed surgery to repair. A female spirit noticed.

Occasionally while shooting video where there are spirits the video goes completely out of focus. The spirits call this frequency phase shift. I've written about it--FREQUENCY PHASE SHIFT. Sometimes there's a loud pop that precedes it. It happened while shooting inside the ale house.

Every good haunted location has spirit orbs or a lone orb. The Pine Lake Ale House did have one as well. An intelligent being that loves to get in front of a camera.

It's featured on the video. All of the audio files in the video are duplicated at least three times, however not everyone will be able to hear them. We tend to only focus on the front voices and never listen to what's behind. Headphones and a tentative ear are a requirement to hearing spirits.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


When you think of heaven what visual comes to mind--a big giant question mark? Probably, and that's probably accurate. Anything after that becomes a fabrication.

On 7-23-19 I awoke around 2:30am and decided to get up and go have a cup of tea in my garden. My wife decided to join me. She suggested I run a session. Upon review I can hear numerous spirits both male and female, but coming through at very low frequencies. Most are two low to post, even this one is too low but I like it so I'm posting it anyway. A female spirit says "We're going to heaven."

Around four o' clock I was looking off to the east in the night sky--stars all around. Suddenly I see the night sky light up. It happened so fast I challenged myself as to if I even seen it. I mentioned it to my wife and it happened again and once again she missed it. Now I was sure I seen it. I told her to keep watching and don't look away and don't blink and POOOF there it goes and she sees it. Why, or how can the night sky light up consecutively on a clear night? A voice whispers in my ear, "For your viewing pleasure." If so it worked. I was pleased. I'm still reviewing the session. Wonderful things were said as some disturbing things like HELP. If I feel I can capture any loud enough I will update this post. For now just know some spirits stopped by my garden on their way to heaven, how nice.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sabrina Sharf--EASY RIDER synchronicity

Whenever I see or hear the name Sabrina I take notice and began to look for synchronicity. On July 17th I walked into a movie theatre to watch the movie Easy Rider. July 14th was the 50th anniversary and movie theaters across the country were showing it for three days. The weather outside on this summer day, 67 degrees and overcast--a good reason to be indoors.

I purchased my small bag of buttered popcorn for $8.99 and went off searching for the movie. I found it occupied by a handful of others. The movie had just started. The view from my seat shown below. All of the seats in front of me were empty for this four o' clock showing.

Going into the movie I knew the names of the major stars, Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda and Jack Nicholson, and as the credits scrolled the name Sabrina Sharf came on. My wife nudged me. I filed it in my memory.

Sometime in January of 2017 I discovered I had a spirit attachment and her name is Sabrina. I have been given a description of her as petite, dark hair, full lips, and piercing blue eyes. A personality as sassy, assertive, confident, and light hearted. A picture of her hangs in my office. The spirit world as well as spirit Sabrina say it is strikingly close. The picture I cut out of the Seattle Times newspaper sometime in the late 90's. It's an advertisement. The ad is aimed at men--encouraging them to ride the bus. It's a photo of just the face of an attractive woman and the ad above her head reads, I DATE GUYS I FIND ON THE BUS.

On the following day I decided to look up Sabrina Sharf. To my surprise she looks a lot like my Sabrina. I'd call this an odd coincidence, and coincidence number one.


Coincidence number two is her other name--Sandy. Born Sandra Mae Trentman. My mothers name is Sandra. My mothers middle name was Sue. Coincidence three is her zodiac sign--Libra. Libra is my Zodiac sign.

Sabrina had an extensive television career. I discovered with the exception of a few I watched all of them as a kid. The Courtship of Eddie's father was one of my favorites. I was nine-years old then.

Some location connections with Sabrina as well. In Arizona as well as Southern California. I lived in both locations. These are the very odd rolling synchronicities between myself and Sabrina Sharf.

And I know there's more.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Afternoon ghost / ghosts

On 7/15/19 I laid down in the afternoon for a nap. Having trouble falling asleep I decided to run my recorder. Numerous voices were captured. Here's a sample.




Since my injury back in May I haven't done much spirit work. I have the time but haven't been into it for some reason but the paranormal activity continues although much quieter. I ran two other sessions that day but haven't translated them.

Monday, July 15, 2019


Yesterday morning I went out to my garden with my cell phone and a cup of tea. I placed my cell phone down on a table and walked around the garden. While out there my phone alarm went off. I thought this was very strange because I didn't set my alarm. I'm home recovering from an injury so no need to set my alarm. I went over to my phone and discovered something very strange. The alarm was set at 7:41 which the time was 7:41, however the phone alarm was set for PM not AM and it went off. Also, someone or some thing set it four times. It's been my experience that spirits can and do manipulate our electronic devices, turn TV's on, change radio stations, shut computers off etc.

All four were set to go off at 7:41PM but went off at 7:41AM.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Operation Ghost War

I've been planning a war--a bug war. Yesterday I purchased 1500, Ladybugs and 600 Praying Mantis. The war called Operation Ghost War is an insect war. The battle field is my garden--Ghost Gardens. At approximately 4:18PM or 16:18 (military time) the war begun with 450 lady bugs streaming into the rose garden. The rest were distributed amongst six other raised beds with flowers and vegetables. The mantis soldiers will arrive in the next phase in about four weeks.

While sipping my wine and planning out this all organic / all natural war a rather strange coincidence unfolded. My wife brought out the mail and in it was an envelope with coupons, house cleaning, roof cleaning, fence building, and SUE MONSANTO. I think there are around 78 lawsuits--Round Up to 80.

I was amazed that Monsanto had lost so many settlements and even more amazed at some of the amounts. Monsanto may have bought the United States senators and congressmen, but not the judges.
A host of countries around the globe have banned Monsanto products.

If you want a weed free yard do what I do--dig them up.