Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coronavirus Lithuanian Warning

I got this off Jim Stone site. In the above scenario there are beings they are leaving out--alien beings. Various Reptilian races, Mantis, Grays, and perhaps other alien life here. I have posted possible pictures of them in the news on this blog. What is their role? If true it has to benefit them. And if true our fight isn't a human to human fight but rather a human to alien fight. Although I'm sure the secret society groups and various Satanic cults might be willing, or are assisting them.

If true humanity will have to wake up fast. As I type this quarantined cities can't assemble a group larger than 10 and maintain a distance of six feet. All for their own good and well being. If it's true they can't hide behind the virus for very long. Currently they are saying they are stacking bodies daily. The problem is the bodies don't come with a name or face. Are they just saying people are dead when in fact nobody has died? Why wouldn't they just say everyone who dies naturally contracted the virus and it was the virus that killed them? How many die each year from the flu? Attach the coronavirus on them. Perhaps they can't get enough doctors to go along with it. As I type all doctor appointments are being limited to essential only--life threatening or a severe emergency as well as surgeries.

The above says dissidents are targeted for removal. The two target groups thus far are seniors and homeless people. However, they've just announced it might be spreading to children. A possible fear tactic.

If alien beings are running this show with the intent on wiping out X-amount of humans all the while hiding behind this threat of a virus what are our chances? Doesn't look good. However, what about another alien race intervention? If indeed negative parasitical ET's exist and are here perhaps responsible for all of this then maybe an intervention from another ET race is the answer, or God. Both seem to be silent at the moment.

Let's wait and see.

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