Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronavirus, subliminal messaging and toilet paper

What is the association here? Immediately after the first announced US death I videotaped a Safeway grocery store near my home. It showed an empty toilet paper shelf. In the carts I didn't really notice that anyone had toilet paper. This indicates to me that it was the absolute first thing people wanted after the broadcast. How did a death from coronavirus trigger people to buy toilet paper?

As the days and weeks went on it seem to increase. Costco was sold out of toilet paper just hours after opening. People were boarding city buses with arms filled with toilet paper. What the fuck is going on?

Back in the 90's I took a college course on Marketing and Advertising. In that course we learned about how subliminal messaging was being used to sell products. The message is picked up by the conscious part of your mind but rather the sub-conscious, but some how it get's transferred over and you react to the message--BUY TOILET PAPER. If this is indeed what is going on, and it seems highly likely, then who is delivering the message? MEDIA. Who else could it be? But why? Perhaps just to see how effective they are. If they can get you to buy toilet paper perhaps they can get you to do other things like, BELIEVE. The mystery here is how. In my course we learned how the products were quick flashed in television shows or at the movies. The image appears so fast that they human brain can't comprehend what it is seeing but the sub-conscious see's it, stores it, and transfers it over to the conscious part of the brain and a person will get up in the middle of the movie and go buy popcorn and a Coke. So, was a trigger word used or were there quick flashed images, or both? I have plans to find the first news broadcast and download it on my Mac and search for both quick flash images as well as trigger words.

I ran across one media feel good toilet paper stories--woman gives birth at Walmart. In this story a pregnant woman shopping for toilet paper finds an empty shelf. Her water breaks and I guess she just lies down on the floor. There just happens to be a nurse there with gloves in her pocket. Local firefighters are called in to assist. Shoppers are allowed to continue shopping while sheets are held up to protect this woman's privacy. Out comes a baby. I can't remember if the article states what sex it is but if it's a boy I hope they name it Wally, preferably if their last name is Martinsen. I believe the entire story to be fabricated, but I don't have time to do the research. The only picture given with the article is the front of the Walmart store. None of the nurse, mother, baby, firefighters or eyewitnesses holding the sheets-at least none in the few articles that I read. Here is the picture of the store.

What looks completely out of place? A 10' pole with the number 5 on top. Five is their number for death. My guess is it was photoshopped in. It isn't a speed limit sign because nobody would put it up so high that nobody could see it. As life comes in it exits in death.

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