Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Sometime in the spring of 2017 I went outside on my deck. It was a beautiful clear night. I noticed a rather large star under the moon. It looked completely out of place. Was it Saturn, or some other planet. I know nothing about astronomy.

Looking at the star I said, "Come closer." To my surprise the star got bigger and bigger, and then it stopped.

"No, don't stop. Come closer," I said using no audible words. A telepathic message came back to me.
"This is as close as we get to you."
We entered into a brief telepathic talk about why and then the ball of light began to get smaller and smaller.

It eventually got to where it was only a pen dot in the sky and then it was gone. The positioning of it never changed, left or right, up or down. No sound was heard.

Note: The date on the picture indicated March 19. I'm not sure of the actual date, but as you can see from the image below the weather that day was sunny which led to a perfect evening for an ET visit.

Note:I altered images 2, and 3 for visual purposes. Image one is accurate.

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