On the drive through the cemetery there was a video anomaly, something the spirits called a frequency phase shift. I wrote about it last July. Frequency Phase Shift. The anomaly is when I'm video tapping and the camera suddenly, and for no reason, goes out of focus for a few frames. Sometimes a loud pop can be heard when it occurs as was the case at Jimi's gravesite. Jimi's was exceptionally loud. The picture shown below is one frame before the shift occurs--everything is in focus. The next two are the two frames where it is out of focus.
Next frame
Final frame out of focus. On this one the grass appears to dip down.
Shown below together.
The picture below is from iMovie. iMovie allows me to view the video frame by frame. On the picture you can see all of the frames. Below the pictures is an audio graph. The colored portion on the audio graph represents the loud POP.
I'm not sure I'm going to post the other video, but here is pictures off it. While walking around shooting video a spirit comes through asking for HELP. Image below shows exactly what I was recording when the voice is heard. As I was walking up to the gravesite a female spirit said, "We're with Mike." Then a female spirit says, COME IN. I did. If you look at the top of the picture the sun shining down reflects creating a kind of ghostly reflection. Really cool.
As I walked into the center and near the guitar a spirit says, COULD MIKE SAVE JIMI? Jimi is saved. He is free to create again. A loud GRUNT came through. More than likely it is a spirit saying, "Move." Probably telling other spirits to move so I can freely pass through. Picture shown below is the exact spot and what I was looking at when captured.
Imagine shown next that reads Angel came down from heaven yesterday....was what I was looking at when a female spirit asked, WILL MIKE KILL MY SOUL?My answer to that sweet spirit is a loud NO. A male spirit acknowledges that I am looking at them. HE'S LOOKING AT US.
The next voice that comes through has another soul reference. I looked for the word "let" after the don't but couldn't find it. The spirit is a male. A rather confusing statement, but they say a lot of confusing things.
A negative entity responds to the above inquiry DOWN IN HELL. The other side isn't all love and light and I'm not going to cherry pick and present on positive spirits. I think it's important that we hear both. There is no hell. These beings prey on religious instilled beliefs--sadly.
The negative entity gets rebuked and told to MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. There was a total of three requests for help. Two came back to back. HELP US. HELP US GET THROUGH THIS. The first spirit was a male followed by a female. It certainly makes me wonder what is going on over there that requires my help or at least a request for help.
Enjoy the afterlife Mr. Hendrix. I certainly enjoy your music.
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