Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Howling Spirits

Recently, I've recorded spirit activity where spirits are howling. On 11/14/18 at 2:20 am I recorded some howling off in the distance. A possible debunk is coyotes, but it doesn't sound like coyotes to me.
File 181112_001
Audio File 13min 53 sec
Time point 3min 14sec
At 10:30PM I lay listening to the spirit activity I hear this howl. It lasted for exactly 10 seconds. It repeated around every five minutes. I recorded it. It appears to be a male. In the audio I hear a spirit inquire as to who is doing this. Someone says, "Find out." This is the first of three howls recorded in the 13 min 53 sec file. Let me also say that the last three nights I've awoken and there's been a lot of spirit activity going on--inside my house as well as outside. It is exactly one week away from when it all started for me two years ago, 11/19/16.

In the second howl my dog jumped on the bed, but you can hear the howl in the background. She could hear the activity outside as well as inside and she was spooked. My wife thought Abbey was upset because I sniffed which Abbey also has a problem with. My wife had no idea I was recording and listening to this howl.
HOWL 2 Time point 8:24.

On the final howl I got up to get the recorder and as I was approaching the window where the recorder was I could hear the howl. I stopped until it finished.
HOWL 3 Time point 13:32

Two nights later more.

Full translation below.

File 181114_001
Date 11/14/18
Time 2:20am
Recorder on window seal

Gaynor and I could hear distant screams. I ran the reorder.
I'm invited outside by a spirit. More than likely an invite to my spirit rather than my physical body.
3:37—Where’s Mike?
4:14—Fuck you Mike. (M)
4:17—I’m getting closer. (U)
At time point 4:31 a female spirit says, "Stop him." A male spirit then replies, "We can't."
A mini debate ensues as to just what I am. I'm not God. They know that. They believe I'm an alien known as a Pleiadian. 
4:32—He’s not God. (M)
4:38—We know that. (F)
4:49—He’s a Pleiadian. (F)
6:04—Michael want to tell you something. (U)
I mention to my wife that I asked the spirit of Sabrina to see if she could find the source. She replied back that she couldn't find the source. It appears that another spirit called her out on it.
6:36—Don’t lie. (U)
8:09—No you won’t. (M)
I'm getting ready to turn the recorder off and say, "Other than that it's pretty quiet." A female spirit then replies.
8:22—That’s true Mike.

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