Sunday, December 22, 2019


I discovered this old audio file that is really fascinating. My wife and I were outside in our backyard. I had my cell phone in the pocket of my jacket. Her phone was inside in the kitchen. Suddenly my phone starts making some strange noises. I pull out my phone and notice that it called my wife's phone. Her phone went into voicemail and we discovered this very bizarre message. On the audio I'm the one who says, "She just said my name." The reason you can hear me is because we shot a video of her phone playing back the message. I turned the video into an audio file. The graph below shows all of the voices that came through. The last two at a low frequency.


I've written numerous times on how spirits can manipulate our electronic devices. This is a good example. The first four voices all seem to be different. The first three are female and the voice that says, "Pick up your phone," is a male. The last one I couldn't translate. It seems like a choreographed effort by this group, as if they had a brief window of opportunity to communicate from wherever they are to where I am and they succeeded. On the "Love to," my wife hears, "Love you." I went with, "to," because I hear a hard T in there.

I have over 600 audio files and sadly this is somewhere in the midst of all of them so I have no idea where it is, but I remember that day and so does my wife.

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