On December 11, 2017 we took our rented Dodge Challenger on a high speed jaunt through the south Arizona. Destination--Bisbee. A ghost town.
Three-hundred and seventy-five horses under the hood. We made sure all of them got a good run in on this trip. It was around midnight when we got back to our room--an even of playing DJ on an old jukebox in the oldest bar in Arizona, St. Elmo's. I released our rental car was parked in another lot down the street. I decided to move it to our hotel parking and drive it through the town at the appropriate speed limit.
My wife recorded it and a female spirit calls out my name. MIKE
Looking at the video I see a couple of faces in the window of a store that we are fast approaching. An easy debunk is pixel distortion. But this is a ghost town so who knows.
Two frames over and it changes to this.
The female voice is recognizable to me. A spirit named Sabrina. I wonder if she put her seatbelt on.
On December 7th 2016 I recorded all night long. My recorder was placed on my bedroom window seal facing north. One of the spirits captured howled for over four minutes. HOWLING SPIRIT Each howl is around three seconds long.
Embedded are spirits talking. I can translate some of them. Note the cowbell sound. It was used routinely from 11/20/16-1/6/17.
THAT THING IS ALL AROUND US-A male spirit says this. It is over the top of the howling spirit. Looped X3. Interesting that the spirit refers to it as a "thing."
WHAT'S YOUR PLAN MIKE?-A female spirit asking me what my plan is. A plan is formulating and when I'm done the plan is to go on home.
I discovered this old audio file that is really fascinating. My wife and I were outside in our backyard. I had my cell phone in the pocket of my jacket. Her phone was inside in the kitchen. Suddenly my phone starts making some strange noises. I pull out my phone and notice that it called my wife's phone. Her phone went into voicemail and we discovered this very bizarre message. On the audio I'm the one who says, "She just said my name." The reason you can hear me is because we shot a video of her phone playing back the message. I turned the video into an audio file. The graph below shows all of the voices that came through. The last two at a low frequency.
I've written numerous times on how spirits can manipulate our electronic devices. This is a good example. The first four voices all seem to be different. The first three are female and the voice that says, "Pick up your phone," is a male. The last one I couldn't translate. It seems like a choreographed effort by this group, as if they had a brief window of opportunity to communicate from wherever they are to where I am and they succeeded. On the "Love to," my wife hears, "Love you." I went with, "to," because I hear a hard T in there.
I have over 600 audio files and sadly this is somewhere in the midst of all of them so I have no idea where it is, but I remember that day and so does my wife.
In 2018 I recorded the owls 12 times. In 2019 I recorded them 13 times so far. They are either a Great Horned owl or a Barred owl. I document their visits in a Word document--shown below. Recorded sessions get translated to see what the spirits say inside the session.
There is a held belief that owls are messengers and that owls aren't what they seem. The belief is that possibly aliens mimic owls in appearance and vocals. Why? For what purpose? It would appear to simply observe and to conceal their identity. Having recorded them for a number of years I hold the belief that owls are and aren't what they seem. In one of my recorded sessions the owl call translated out to this--"YOU ARE A FRIEND TO US."
Numerous spirits came through included a few raunchy comments from the spirits. I don't like to cherry pick the sessions and only produce love and light but I'm not posting the audio files of those. One of them was a female who said, "I fucking hate Mike." Here's a couple of spirits who called out my name. MIKE---MIKE
Yesterday I was filming my Saturday crows when I noticed a strange pattern in the tree branches. A group of evergreen trees and in the middle is some kind of circular pattern. Is the pattern a face or a symbol?
How bizarre. Zooming in the pixel changes and the tree branches look fake.
The video produced some amazing spirit voices of which I will post here.
"In the universe there are things that are known and things that are unknown and in between there are doors." --Unknown
In 2019 I found myself bored with my doors. Stamped out, mass produced that anyone can buy at Home Depot or Lowe's so I made a door out of old fence wood.
To my surprise it looked about 1000 times better than any traditional door and it's made out of recycled materials.
Below is the doors I have built this year. Behind these double doors is a washer and dryer. The young lady who I built these for wasn't happy with the ugly white traditional bi-folding doors. She's happy now.
Here's another closet door.
Barn doors.
Took down a broken TV to add this barn door. Discovered someone just painted around the TV / fireplace.
In 2020 I'm expecting doors to open for me. They hear me knock'n.
In 2014 I was working on a project and it required me to make a cold call to a person. The drive would take over an hour on a windy, rainy cold November morning. When I arrived I found a building where there was hundreds of doors, with connecting hallways and no identification on any of them. No signs of any kind identifying a department and nobody there to ask. No phone number to call for directions. I walked around this massive complex for over an hour and just as I was about to give up I see something on a wall near a door. It's her name. She's the only one in the entire building with her name on her door. On the drive there this song came on the radio and it fit my experience perfectly--lead me to your door.
On November 30th I was filming a hawk on the ground. It was trying to get at something under a tarp. Probably a rat.
My Saturday crows were there and they'd dive down and harass the hawk. The crows flew behind me and landed on the lamp post and made a cackle sound. I turned to film them. When I did a green orb darts in briefly. I've filmed this same green orb at this location numerous times. Picture below are advancing frame by frame.
On many of the images you can see the orb illuminating-2, 3, 4 show it the best. Also, many spirits came through on the video. I was amazed on how clear some of them came through. Below is what translated. I will eventually convert these to audio files so you can hear them.
On the throw Mike in jail. I believe some of her sentence was lost. She might have said, "They might try and throw Mike in jail, or I hope they don't throw Mike in jail. I don't believe this spirit was insinuating that I should be thrown in jail. But, maybe she does think I should be thrown in jail.
Two spirits seem to have an exchange about my wife and it appears as if one goes and checks on her. "Gaynor looks fine." Aren't looks deceiving?
The two that came through crystal clear was the exchange, "Briggs can you hear me? Loud and clear." Both voices are female. The name Briggs is obviously a last name. Who are these two and what are they doing? Is the orb a ship of some kind and there's an exchange between two ships?
My opening picture of my blog shows a green orb on the lower right corner. It followed us out on a beach in Moclips Washington around midnight.
On or around the date of October 9th, 2012 my wife and I were vacationing in North Phoenix. We were staying at the Tapatio Resort. That evening we had just returned from a day trip to Sedona and Jerome. My wife opened a bottle of wine and we sat out on the balcony facing directly west. Our view was the North Mountain Park of which we hiked every morning as a start to our day. The time was in between 9-9:30PM.
Suddenly my wife jumps up and says, "What is that?" I look up to see something white falling from the sky. A fireball trail behind the giant white orb. I positioned myself next to my wife on the rail amazed at what I was seeing. My mind quickly ruled out comet or meteor. The orb was falling to slow and falling directly vertical. My wife shouts out again, "Another one." Now there are two giant white orbs falling one trailing the other. I stood there froze while my camera laid on the bed.
Then the orbs stopped in mid air side by side. The mountain was off to the north of the orbs. One of the orbs disappears or so we think. Like turning off a light bulb and then it comes back on. Then the other does the same thing. They go back and forth, off and on for a minute or so. They then move laterally north behind the North mountain but never come out on the other side.
The nightly news has a different explanation each night, saying it was the fire department, police, or military running some kind of operation such as night jumps. They also accused the military of shooting off flares. It became comical. If you ever see anything in the night sky that would be classified as a UFO there are three agencies you can skip contacting, media, police, or US government. However many did report it on UFO sighting sites.
I checked one of these sites at the time and discovered that the former governor Janet Napolitano had witnessed it and reported it, or so the nightly news claims. She went on to become the head of Homeland Security.
We finally gave up waiting for the orbs to come out from behind the mountain. Thinking back now I'm not sure why I didn't just throw on my hiking boots and run up to the top of the mountain. I'm also wondering why I didn't run in and grab my camera. Frozen like a deer in the headlights. It was too strange to move. Your mind repeats the phrase, what the fuck over and over. We sat out side until our wine was gone and then went to bed with the giant orb images to think about until we drift off to sleep.
Four years after this event I inherited an iPhone when my 83 year-old mother in-law passed away. I discovered a picture on there that showed orbs flying in a V formation--ORBS IN FORMATION.
My mother in-law had no interest in UFO's, aliens, or the paranormal. But there's these unexplained yellow orbs in formation on her phone.
That Christmas I received a present from my daughter--a book. THE PHOENIX LIGHTS written by Dr. Lynne Kitei. The largest UFO ever seen measuring a mile wide witnessed by thousands of people as it flew from Northern Arizona down to Tucson. I sent Dr. Kitei an email about what we witnessed and we entered into an email exchange on what we saw. To this day there is no explanation as to what we along with thousands of others saw fall from the sky in North Phoenix.
Over the years I've been experiencing what I call the blinking light phenomena. Lights that shouldn't be blinking start suddenly blinking in my direction, my neighbors parked car at midnight, a man at a gas station giving his car a late night wash, my neighbors darkened window at 2am and others. Reflecting back I have to wonder is there a connection to the blinking orbs.
This post might not have ever happened if it wasn't for an eagle. An eagle named Eddie. Another flying object. Over the years I had forgotten the date of when we were there in Phoenix and witnessed the orbs. I remembered that on one of the nightly broadcasts the Phoenix news ran a story on an eagle in Seattle that was killed on a bridge. They also provided a time. I drove across that bridge daily Mon-Fri at the exact time. The tragic event left me sad. I saw Eddie almost daily perched on the bridge. Thanks Eddie. I miss you.
I awoke this morning around 2am. I decided to run a session in my front room with the recorder facing to the south of my house. Many spirits came through, but I really liked the female spirit who came through and said, "Your day is coming." I will post that session here. It was just over 10 minutes.