On 3/16/19 we returned to one of our favorite spots, Moclips Washington. We timed the weather perfectly.
A tree that washed up on the beach was a perfect photo prop.
I love the silhouette of my wife in these photos.
The river.
We took numerous videos and ran one recorded session late at night on the beach. I'm still translating them. Numerous spirits were captured there. Below is the recorded session from the night time beach session.
I'm standing on the beach in the evening and I ask for the name of the spirit standing next to me. A female replies and I recognize her voice to be that of Sabrina. She replies "Your Sabrina."
I ask another question. It's been reported that some kind of blood sucking creature standing over 6' tall with wings sucked the blood out of cows and humans during the two century storms. A spirit responds and says, "I don't know."
Who was the blood sucking creature? I don't know.
I ask for the names of the two girls who were murdered in 1975. A female spirit responds and says,
However one second prior to this female asking for help a female spirit says,
"HE WANTS TO KNOW THE GIRLS." The girls I discovered last year are Tina Jacobsen and Gaelisa Burton from Vashon Island. I did a full write up on this last year.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Thursday, March 14, 2019
737 Max crash
In 1978 I was hired by an aerospace company that manufactured the cockpit voice recorder. A critical piece of equipment for a commercial jet. The final words of the cabin crew before the uncontrollable plane crashes. A helpful piece of information in determining the cause of the crash providing the struggling pilots give details.
Recently, there have been two crashes of one of Boeing's newest planes the 737 Max. First released in 2016. Initial reports all seem to point to a flight control problem. Apparently if the computer software feel the plane is going into a stall it pitches the nose down. Pilots aren't made aware of the software for the flight controls so if the nose suddenly does pitch down it leads to confusion in the cockpit. How long can you be confused before it crashes? Not long. Especially if you've just taken off.
So an early assumption is the cause of the crash has to do with software code. Can they simply dump the code and update current code? Probably not that easy. Who wrote the code? Software engineers hired by Boeing wrote the code--engineers in India.
Yesterday IBM chief Ginni Rometty said that these software engineers aren't even employable.
There's a held belief by some that India is handing out engineering degrees like they're baseball trading cards. Degrees that don't have much value in India but can get you a very high paying job in the United States.
It was good enough to fool Bill Gates and he pitched it to the United States government arguing if he's not allowed to hire thousands of foreign software engineers a Microsoft will be built in India and the US will fall vastly behind in the computer race. What keeps them from building one anyway? Don't they already have their own Microsoft? Are we to believe that the best and brightest students graduating in universities in India only want jobs outside of their own country? If the schools are so great why aren't Americans opting out of Yale, Harvard and other major universities to go to school in India? Perhaps they are. An interesting Google search of which has an Indian CEO flips the question of how many american's go to universities in India to how many Indians are at american universities. The search indicates their once treasured education system has been replaced by the United States were it is at a record high. What happened? Perhaps it never was any good. When you graduate with an engineering degree from one country and leave to work in another country isn't there some kind of test given to show competence especially when writing code for flight controls on a commercial jet? If my computer crashes it doesn't kill me.
In 2001 they were warned.
It was ignored and now we have planes falling out of the sky. Here an Indian claiming to be an engineer discusses Indian beliefs and talents. A host of grammatical errors but he gets a pass on that--english is a second language, but no pass for ignoring auto-correct on the word technology. When US companies see these types of mistakes on resumes applying for engineering positions due they ignore them?
Yes and we now have planes falling out of the sky with people in them.
Update: Boeing has a fix. Do you feel comfortable flying on this plane? How many simulated hours was conducted? Why not release that data?
Saturday, March 9, 2019
"While the storm clouds gather far across the sea let us swear allegiance to a land that's free."
I thought I was through with this song but after looking in a little deeper it appears as though I'm not. I found a youtube video of Kate Smith singing God Bless America. Dubbed into the video is clips from Irving Berlins movie, "This is the army." Below is my noted observations and thoughts.
The storm clouds are Germany, Hitler and the Nazis. Swearing allegiance perhaps a requirement for war. The song was written immediately after WW1. Would there be gathering storm clouds after WW1? Why are they still gathering in 1918? The first verse written indicates either Irving Berlin was a prophet or he added that verse prior to giving it to Kate Smith. The verse is now dropped off and the song starts of with God Bless America as we all know.
At time point 2:53 on the video there's a department store with the name Twardofsky. Is it a coincidence that there are letters spelling war? Let's look at it like this, T-WARD-OF-SKY.
The definition of ward is guard--protect. So we can translate Twardofsky as To Protect the Sky or To guard the Sky. It's possible that the name Twardofsky is Twardofski--a polish name. The first country Adolf Hitler invaded was Poland. Pan Twardofski is Polish folklore and literature about a sorcerer who made a deal with the devil. At the end of WW2 the United States entered into a deal with Nazi soldiers called Operation Paperclip. Thousands of Nazi scientists were allowed into the United States and given high paying jobs, housing and transportation. Their heinous war crimes were all pardoned. In exchange those allowed in would work for the United States. Doesn't this sound like making a deal with the devil--Twardofsky? At some point the devil wants his due and payback is a bitch.
It looks eerily close to the city of Berlin during WW2.
After the Twin Towers were knocked down and building seven was "pulled," members of congress gathered together and sang God Bless America and swore we'd get even with our enemy even though we didn't know who he was. After briefly searching in Afghanastan the enemy was found in Iraq with weapons of mass destruction and to the horror of those watching the nightly news we all discovered he uses them on his own people killing thousands. With the god of the song God Bless America behind us, guiding us, we invade Iraq where it's estimated that between 400,000 to 600,000 were killed. The country obliterated.
For 80 years now America has been singing God Bless America with no evidence of any blessings, but a whole lot of destruction. I've written about a few of the very strange synchronistic events related to the song God Bless America. I'm sure there are many more associated with the song. Is the song nothing but war propaganda hiding behind an unknown god? Is it just a coincidence that four years after the start of the war Irving Berlin's "This is the army," is released and the song is used in the movie? The strange coincidence with the name Twardofsky? It makes you think, doesn't it? It makes you think of a lot of things.
Updated destruction: May 27th, 2019 was Memorial day--a national holiday. A moment to look back on our previous wars and reflect on those who fought, were injured, and died. On the very same day a series of tornado's struck the United States destroying thousands of homes and businesses. Total number of lost life both human and animal isn't known. Determined to be an act of God. Just one day earlier churches were in worship singing God Bless America. Is this a blessing?
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
There's some odd to this God. Jewish composer Irving Berlin or rather Israel Berlin, wrote the song, didn't like it, and shelved it for 20 years until 1938 when a Jewish singer named Kate Smith contacted him asking him for a patriotic song. Irving pulled it out of an old wooden box, dusted it off, changed a few words and gave it to her. Kate sang it on the radio and it took off. It became an equal to the national anthem--patriotism was soaring. One year later Adolf Hitler invades Poland. Three years later the United States enters the war and it becomes an official world war.
There is some odd or God synchronicity here. We have two Jewish people teaming up with a patriotic song. The Jews have some history with God--see the Bible. Kate Smith said it's a song to end all wars, but it's used in a reverse way. It's used to encourage men and women to fight in wars.
Did Kate know Irving was Jewish? Did Irving know Kate was Jewish? Is it just mere coincidence? Would anything have changed if Ella Fitzgerald or Billie Holliday sang the song?
The last battle in WW2 was for the city of Berlin--Irving's last name. It was fought between the Germans and the Russians. Russia was Irving's birthplace. What are the odds that two Jewish people team up on a song one year before a major war, a war where Jewish people were used as slaves where the song becomes a kind of battle cry for Americans to enter the war? The results are death and destruction. Picture below is the city of Berlin.
Irving Berlin was also a Freemason. A member of a secret society. It's rumored that Hitler hated Freemasons, but yet Germany is the birthplace of the Illuminati. Is the Freemason secret society the God club? Which god? Does their god have a name?
I've always struggled with the phrase GOD BLESS AMERICA. Is it a question or a command? If it's a question it lacks punctuation. If it's a command it's arrogant and lacks respect. If it's a question I'm thinking God might reply, "Request denied--lacking details," and if it's a command I'm thinking God might reply, "Fuck you." It can only be a command. It sounds like my mom when she would say, "Mike, clean up your room." If it's a question God might also say, "Why should I?" What would our response be, "Because we asked--because we deserve it--because we're better than everyone else--Just do it goddammit."
Has God ever blessed America? When? Can anyone point to an event, a moment in time, a place and say, "Ahh hah. God blessed America right there." Let's just say being the first on the moon in 1969 is a God blessing America moment. I know it's a weak example, but I can't fucking think of anything and someone might just use it as an example. A great achievement for sure and one that most certainly would require divine intervention. But, if we use this as an example of a blessing does the fact that we are getting our ass kicked in the Vietnam war kind of offset it? Wouldn't a clearer blessing be where we enter the war and nobody gets killed and we win? A miracle for sure right? A true example of a God blessing America. We also had nine aviation disasters in 1969. Does that offset the blessing? We had four deaths at a rock concert that year--Altamont Free Festival, the Santa Barbara oil spill, and a host of tornadoes throughout the United States in 1969 that killed a lot of Americans. We call it an act of God. Is an act of God a blessing?
I'd have to say there was no moon landing blessing by God in 1969. Scratch that off the blessing list.
The first president to use the phrase was Richard Nixon on April 30, 1973. President Nixon knew he was cooked. He knew he was caught red handed and his political career was going down the toilet. Impeachment loomed. On that day president Nixon said the words, "God bless America." Didn't God bless us with Richard Millhouse Nixon when we voted him into office as our commander and chief? Surely God would only allow the best and most qualified to ever lead the United States of America right? Before Nixon there was another president associated with the God Bless America--Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan starred in the movie This is the army. Another connection to war.
In another strange coincidence Richard and Ronald both knew each other before they were president. Shown here at Bohemian Grove. A strange secret boys club said to worship a wooden owl named Molak, or Moloch. Nixon called it the faggyist goddamn thing he's ever seen, but that didn't detour him from attending. We can assume the word faggy is associated with homosexuality.
God didn't bless Richard Nixon and he resigned the presidency in October of 73. However, some may argue that God did bless america by catching Nixon with his hand in the cookie jar. Would US history have changed much if he didn't get caught? Seven years later Nixon's friend Ronald Reagan is elected president of the United States and the phrase God Bless America is born again. From actor to president, isn't that a sign of divine intervention? But, what about the little detour meetings to worship Molak in the redwoods of California and hang out with the faggy's, wouldn't that kind of offset any blessing or is that okay?
Every president after Reagan repeatedly used the phrase, "God bless America," until Donald Trump is elected. Thus far, three years into his presidency he hasn't used it and strangely we haven't gotten into any wars. Is the song God Bless America a curse? Even used as a phrase such as closing a speech? It sounds ridiculous I know, but it's quite clear there is no divine all knowing holy being blessing the United States of America. Why not? Who is the god of the song God Bless America? Who was Irving Berlin's god? Kate Smith's god. Richard Nixon's god? Ronald Reagan's god? Who is the god of the Freemasons, or the god worshipped at Bohemian Grove? Nixon was forced to resign or face impeachment and Reagan was shot. What does this tell us about their god?
The US constitution reads and I'll cut and paste because it's faster and I want a beer.
Free exercise of religion. Every religion has to have a god. How many religions are there in the United States? Every person immigrating to the United States brings their religion. It's safe to say then that every god from around the globe is present in the United States even one named Lucifer. Do they all get along? Americans will say their god is the god of the bible--thee God. The Jewish god--Jesus. He's a close associate of the god of the old testament, to the one Irving Berlin if cornered to give an answer would no doubt refer to as his god. What, if anything, does the god of the bible say about all of the gods in America? "You shall have no other gods before me."--Exodus 20:3
It is clear to me the United States isn't a blessed country, never has and never will be. Sing or say God Bless America everyday, all day and planes will still fall out of the sky, natural disasters will continue to happen, and goddamn wars will never stop. But I am a little curious which god is the god of the song, God Bless America aren't you?
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Nuclear Paranoia
On July 14th, 2015 the Iran nuclear talks had finally ended after a grueling 18 days of marathon negotiations, but actually the talks had been going on for years. By this time they were all just good ol' drinking buddy's. The talks were held at the plush Palais Coburg hotel in Austria Vienna. Just six weeks earlier Senator John Kerry one of the lead negotiators for the United States was involved in a bicycling accident and suffered a broken femur. Shown in the picture below 10 days later still in the hospital talking on a hospital phone while his personal phone lies on the tray. Perhaps he's just ordering room service.
When I was around seven I fell out of a tree and my leg landed on a stump and broke. My leg was in a full body cast for six weeks. Looking at Senator Kerry it appears a broken femur doesn't require a cast. Twelve or thirteen days later senator Kerry emerges out of a US hospital walking on crutches and no cast. Staged in the photo are hospital staff in the background. Who stays in the hospital for 13 days with a broken leg in the 21st century? A triple by-pass will have you home in just days.
Senator Kerry's version of the story is a strange one. He was traveling along at two miles per hour and didn't see a curb directly in front of him--slams into the curb and some how breaks the biggest bone in the human body. How? Perhaps he's not human. Bike crash at 2mph
If you went any slower you'd be going backwards. Why didn't the secret service riding directly in front of the senator or the ones directly behind the senator shout out a warning? For sure the lead riders would have hit the curb first at 2mph breaking bones and sustaining other injuries. Note an entire motorcade behind the senator.
There are no pictures of the accident, no pictures of medics on scene, nor of a helicopter transport. None of Senator Kerry entering the hospital in France. However, there are plenty of pictures of Senator Kerry riding the bike. How is this possible with people and camera's everywhere? It's reported that one of the negotiators took a day off and went on a 70 kilometer ride. Who?
There are photos showing the negotiating table completely full and no senator Kerry. Are those the days Senator Kerry was out riding his bike? The picture below shows a very strange place to host a meeting--a dungeon buried deep beneath the hotel. Negotiators are sitting just feet apart but have microphones in front of them.
There is a youtube video that was published three weeks after the talks showing s
Senator Kerry arriving to join the nuclear talks with Iran which would have been sometime in June. He walked off the plane just fine.
Shown walking around with Iran's foreign minister Mohammed Javad Zarif
During a break in negotiations Senator Kerry came out for a press briefing and it appears as if he has a black eye. First a broken leg and now a black eye. Did a fight break out during the talks or a hockey game?
This isn't the first black eye that the senator has shown the public.
In a pick up game of hockey some how some way he breaks his nose, or a republican on the other team broke it for him. Senator Kerry isn't the only one sporting a black eye at the Iran Nuclear talks. On July 14, 2015 Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu goes on air to discuss the agreement and displays a clear black eye, or he's displaying something underneath the black eye.
Senator Kerry and Benjamin Netanyahu weren't the only ones who sustained injuries before, during or after the Iran nuclear talks--another negotiator suffered injuries. Wendy Sherman a Jewish democrat suffered a broken nose, a twisted ankle and a ruptured pinky finger. According to the date on the released article it appears she sustained all of her injuries on the first day. So the Americans limp into the talks a half man down and now Wendy is at least a half or more woman down. No wonder it took 18 days to complete this deal. And if it went any longer who knows if the americans would still be alive.
Wendy photographed below with a broken nose and ruptured pinky. Wendy claimed her glasses and a little make-up concealed her black eyes. I found no video showing Wendy walking with crutches or a noticeable limp.
Iran also came in under manned. Ali Akbar Salehi the head of Iran's atomic energy organization didn't make the negotiating meetings due to health reasons. Shouldn't they have post-poned the talks to allow Iran to be at full strength? Hell no. At this rate if it goes any longer there won't be anyone left alive.
To add even more misery to the broken and injured there was a heat wave that was going on and temperatures soared to 104 degrees outside. But it didn't seem to make them change their attire in anyway. Men photographed inside and outside in full suit and tie with no visible sweat dripping down anywhere. Women too shown dressed in long sleeve jackets and long sleeved shirts. It was reported that not even the air conditioning inside the hotel was capable of providing any comfort--long sleeves stayed the norm and no visible photos of anyone being uncomfortable.
Can it get any stranger? Yes it can and yes it will.
The main source of paranoia for these talks was flowing out of Israel. However, they had no representation there. It almost seems like the United States and Europe were ordered to secure a deal from Iran. And here's where the strange comes in. The exact site of the nuclear talks where the Palais Coburg hotel sits upon is named after Theodor Herzl considered to be the father of Zionism.
To add more strange the host country for the talks, Austria, is the birth place of Adolf Hitler. Adolf once ordered the Austrian government to add Nazi's to their government cabinet. The fearful Austrian government decided to put it to a vote. This drove Hitler bonkers and he immediately invaded Austria and met no resistance. Let's connect some more Hitler to the talks.
Senator John Kerry didn't stay at the Palais Coburg hotel for some unknown reason. He stayed at the Imperial Hotel located near the Palais Coburg. One hundred meters to be exact. On March 12, 1938 Adolf Hitler checked into the Imperial Hotel. Now let's see if we can connect Germany to the Palais Coburg hotel where the grounds were named after a Zionist.
At the top of the Palais Coburg hotel is a roman numeral--MDCCLXIV. The number totals to 1764. The Illuminati secret society was founded in 1776 in Germany with ties to our host country Austria. However, when the illuminati was officially started is debatable. It certainly could have started 12 years earlier on 1764. The connections are close enough for me.
It appears that the nuclear talks took place in rotating conference rooms. Some rooms large, some small and some underground, and whomever was available that day showed up. There could be as many as twenty or more, or just half the size. It appears as if the media doesn't notice this on a daily basis. Perhaps the boredom of it all and the fact that they are locked outside with nuclear temperatures has them all on mind meltdown--reporting day after day after day--nothing happened. Why are people missing at the meetings? Some are out on bike rides. Some are bored, and perhaps my readers are a little bored. I sure hope you read to the end because I have a big surprise for you, but to wake you up let's add some sex. Can you go a month without sex? Of course you can, but what if it's readily available? In Austria prostitution is legal. Located below the Palais Coburg hotel are tunnels. Tunnels that lead into the heart of town and other unknown places. Tunnels that lead to brothels.
Now we close. As promised above I will close big. We already have broken bones, crutches, no crutches, black eyes, a broken nose with no black eyes, twisted ankle, broken pinky, Nazi connection, Zionism connection, a little sex, and a Illuminati connection. What is missing? An alien connection. Photographed flying out of the Palais Coburg hotel on July 14, 2015 are what appears to be a giant flying creature with wings.
If my readers aren't aware this isn't the first time a man or creature with wings has ever been seen. Please see Mothman. What known or speculated alien race has wings? Draco Reptilians. Also speculated to be associated with the Nazi party. Can we add associated with the Illuminati, the Zionist, Americans and other world leaders? Perhaps we can.
Why would Draco Reptilians have an interest in Iran's nuclear energy? And if you're negotiating and an eight foot tall creature with wings walks into the room, or flies in and decides to be a part of the discussion is there anymore negotiating?
Where do we go from here?
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