On July 14th, 2015 the Iran nuclear talks had finally ended after a grueling 18 days of marathon negotiations, but actually the talks had been going on for years. By this time they were all just good ol' drinking buddy's. The talks were held at the plush Palais Coburg hotel in Austria Vienna. Just six weeks earlier Senator John Kerry one of the lead negotiators for the United States was involved in a bicycling accident and suffered a broken femur. Shown in the picture below 10 days later still in the hospital talking on a hospital phone while his personal phone lies on the tray. Perhaps he's just ordering room service.
When I was around seven I fell out of a tree and my leg landed on a stump and broke. My leg was in a full body cast for six weeks. Looking at Senator Kerry it appears a broken femur doesn't require a cast. Twelve or thirteen days later senator Kerry emerges out of a US hospital walking on crutches and no cast. Staged in the photo are hospital staff in the background. Who stays in the hospital for 13 days with a broken leg in the 21st century? A triple by-pass will have you home in just days.
Senator Kerry's version of the story is a strange one. He was traveling along at two miles per hour and didn't see a curb directly in front of him--slams into the curb and some how breaks the biggest bone in the human body. How? Perhaps he's not human. Bike crash at 2mph
If you went any slower you'd be going backwards. Why didn't the secret service riding directly in front of the senator or the ones directly behind the senator shout out a warning? For sure the lead riders would have hit the curb first at 2mph breaking bones and sustaining other injuries. Note an entire motorcade behind the senator.
There are no pictures of the accident, no pictures of medics on scene, nor of a helicopter transport. None of Senator Kerry entering the hospital in France. However, there are plenty of pictures of Senator Kerry riding the bike. How is this possible with people and camera's everywhere? It's reported that one of the negotiators took a day off and went on a 70 kilometer ride. Who?
There are photos showing the negotiating table completely full and no senator Kerry. Are those the days Senator Kerry was out riding his bike? The picture below shows a very strange place to host a meeting--a dungeon buried deep beneath the hotel. Negotiators are sitting just feet apart but have microphones in front of them.
There is a youtube video that was published three weeks after the talks showing s
Senator Kerry arriving to join the nuclear talks with Iran which would have been sometime in June. He walked off the plane just fine.
Shown walking around with Iran's foreign minister Mohammed Javad Zarif
During a break in negotiations Senator Kerry came out for a press briefing and it appears as if he has a black eye. First a broken leg and now a black eye. Did a fight break out during the talks or a hockey game?
This isn't the first black eye that the senator has shown the public.
In a pick up game of hockey some how some way he breaks his nose, or a republican on the other team broke it for him. Senator Kerry isn't the only one sporting a black eye at the Iran Nuclear talks. On July 14, 2015 Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu goes on air to discuss the agreement and displays a clear black eye, or he's displaying something underneath the black eye.
Senator Kerry and Benjamin Netanyahu weren't the only ones who sustained injuries before, during or after the Iran nuclear talks--another negotiator suffered injuries. Wendy Sherman a Jewish democrat suffered a broken nose, a twisted ankle and a ruptured pinky finger. According to the date on the released article it appears she sustained all of her injuries on the first day. So the Americans limp into the talks a half man down and now Wendy is at least a half or more woman down. No wonder it took 18 days to complete this deal. And if it went any longer who knows if the americans would still be alive.
Wendy photographed below with a broken nose and ruptured pinky. Wendy claimed her glasses and a little make-up concealed her black eyes. I found no video showing Wendy walking with crutches or a noticeable limp.
Iran also came in under manned. Ali Akbar Salehi the head of Iran's atomic energy organization didn't make the negotiating meetings due to health reasons. Shouldn't they have post-poned the talks to allow Iran to be at full strength? Hell no. At this rate if it goes any longer there won't be anyone left alive.
To add even more misery to the broken and injured there was a heat wave that was going on and temperatures soared to 104 degrees outside. But it didn't seem to make them change their attire in anyway. Men photographed inside and outside in full suit and tie with no visible sweat dripping down anywhere. Women too shown dressed in long sleeve jackets and long sleeved shirts. It was reported that not even the air conditioning inside the hotel was capable of providing any comfort--long sleeves stayed the norm and no visible photos of anyone being uncomfortable.
Can it get any stranger? Yes it can and yes it will.
The main source of paranoia for these talks was flowing out of Israel. However, they had no representation there. It almost seems like the United States and Europe were ordered to secure a deal from Iran. And here's where the strange comes in. The exact site of the nuclear talks where the Palais Coburg hotel sits upon is named after Theodor Herzl considered to be the father of Zionism.
To add more strange the host country for the talks, Austria, is the birth place of Adolf Hitler. Adolf once ordered the Austrian government to add Nazi's to their government cabinet. The fearful Austrian government decided to put it to a vote. This drove Hitler bonkers and he immediately invaded Austria and met no resistance. Let's connect some more Hitler to the talks.
Senator John Kerry didn't stay at the Palais Coburg hotel for some unknown reason. He stayed at the Imperial Hotel located near the Palais Coburg. One hundred meters to be exact. On March 12, 1938 Adolf Hitler checked into the Imperial Hotel. Now let's see if we can connect Germany to the Palais Coburg hotel where the grounds were named after a Zionist.
At the top of the Palais Coburg hotel is a roman numeral--MDCCLXIV. The number totals to 1764. The Illuminati secret society was founded in 1776 in Germany with ties to our host country Austria. However, when the illuminati was officially started is debatable. It certainly could have started 12 years earlier on 1764. The connections are close enough for me.
It appears that the nuclear talks took place in rotating conference rooms. Some rooms large, some small and some underground, and whomever was available that day showed up. There could be as many as twenty or more, or just half the size. It appears as if the media doesn't notice this on a daily basis. Perhaps the boredom of it all and the fact that they are locked outside with nuclear temperatures has them all on mind meltdown--reporting day after day after day--nothing happened. Why are people missing at the meetings? Some are out on bike rides. Some are bored, and perhaps my readers are a little bored. I sure hope you read to the end because I have a big surprise for you, but to wake you up let's add some sex. Can you go a month without sex? Of course you can, but what if it's readily available? In Austria prostitution is legal. Located below the Palais Coburg hotel are tunnels. Tunnels that lead into the heart of town and other unknown places. Tunnels that lead to brothels.
Now we close. As promised above I will close big. We already have broken bones, crutches, no crutches, black eyes, a broken nose with no black eyes, twisted ankle, broken pinky, Nazi connection, Zionism connection, a little sex, and a Illuminati connection. What is missing? An alien connection. Photographed flying out of the Palais Coburg hotel on July 14, 2015 are what appears to be a giant flying creature with wings.
If my readers aren't aware this isn't the first time a man or creature with wings has ever been seen. Please see Mothman. What known or speculated alien race has wings? Draco Reptilians. Also speculated to be associated with the Nazi party. Can we add associated with the Illuminati, the Zionist, Americans and other world leaders? Perhaps we can.
Why would Draco Reptilians have an interest in Iran's nuclear energy? And if you're negotiating and an eight foot tall creature with wings walks into the room, or flies in and decides to be a part of the discussion is there anymore negotiating?
Where do we go from here?
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