Odin feared losing them. Here we have perhaps an insight into ancient gods--they fear things. The pair of Ravens represented the mind. Hugin thought and Munin memory. Hugin and Munin would fly off each day and gather information for Odin, fly back and whisper it into his ear allowing the god Odin to do with it as he pleased. Odin said he feared losing Munin-- (memory) the most. The internet debates his logic and reasoning on this.
Soon after reading about the Ravens I was driving and went into deep thought. The kind of thought that takes you out of your body and you go on auto-pilot. I don't know how long I was consciously gone but when I returned I wasn't aware of where I was. This was an area where I'd driven thousands of times and yet I didn't recognize the landscape. I didn't even know the name of the vehicle I was driving or what direction I was traveling in. I had Hugin but Munin hadn't returned yet. I was experiencing Odin's fear. I relaxed and waited and as Munin got closer my memory started returning. I recognized this building, freeway off to my left, and there's the hotel. The last thing to return to me was the direction of which I was traveling in. Finally as Munin landed on my shoulder he must have whispered it into my ear, "West," and it all came back to me. I knew where I was, what I was thinking about prior to leaving and what direction I was traveling. I wondered about the pair of Ravens. Did Hugin always return before Munin? Was that why Odin feared losing Munin the most? Hugin, perhaps, had a track record of always returning first establishing a confidence in Odin, while Munin took his sweet time and always arrived after leaving Odin to wonder and fear for Munin.
Late that night my neighbors came over for a Christmas drink. They brought gifts. One neighbor gave us a pair of drinking glasses with two Crows while the other gave us a pair of plates with two Ravens on it--Hugin and Munin.
Rolling Synchronicity again. Adding to this unusual synchronistic event is another coincidence. After writing this I went to post it on my Facebook page. Waiting for me on my page was this.
Exactly one year ago to the day I was playing with another pair of birds related to the Raven. These crows I named Zino and Cyrus. Zino is the crow following me and bonking me in the back of the head. Cyrus shown taking the peanut out of my hand.
The book I referenced above is The Viking Warrior. Shown below. The internet also spells the ravens
Huginn and Muninn. For this write up I spelled it as the author did.
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