On one session that I was reviewing I went into my trance mode and I went down to the spirits lowest frequency. My usual two spirits where there, Sabrina and Andy. They were discussing something very sensitive about me and they don't want me to hear it. They are in my bedroom. I'm asleep and the recorder is running on the window seal.
"Andy, I don't think we should be discussing this. Mike has the recorder running."
"Sabrina nobody alive can hear us at this frequency level."
"Andy, Mike is good."
"He's good but not that good."
"Andy, do you want Mike hearing this?"
"He can't hear it Sabrina."
"What if he does?"
"He won't."
Sabrina wins the argument and they agree not to discuss it, but it was too late. I'd tuned in before Sabrina became concerned. This discussion between the two taught me a little about spirit frequency. It appears they can maneuver it something we can't do--go to high levels which would probably be just below our own and in some cases right into our level and then down to very low levels. It then becomes possible for two spirits to have a conversation without nobody else hearing. The other spirits would have to know what frequency the two are on. Wouldn't this be cool. You are out at a crowded bar and everyone in it is on the same frequency, it's noisy so you alter the frequency and it now becomes quiet with just the two of you conversing. Can they do this? I believe they can if they choose to. How many frequencies do they have to choose from? I don't know but think about a radio. We have X amount on FM and then X amount on AM. There's could be the same with FM being higher frequencies and AM being the lower.
The other way I discovered that they talk on multiple frequencies is because I would timestamp a spirit that comes through fairly loud.
01:10:09--Mike is stupid. (M)**
I separate the audio file and make it a single file with the title being Mike is stupid. A month later I review it and I hear something entirely different. How? I was sure it said Mike is stupid. I know I did, but now it is saying, "Mike is suppose to be here." The two are vastly different. This rocked my confidence to be able to translate. I was confused. One other time I finished translating a session into a Word document. A few weeks later I'd forgotten that I translated that session and did it again. Near the end I realized that I already translated it. I then decided to compare the two sessions and they aren't the same. I then went to the spirits and asked them what was going on. They immediately responded, "You're on two different frequencies." This presented another problem for me. What if I review a session and translate it over and over, will it all read different. Yes if you can keep tuning in on a different frequency, so which one do I go with? I now just go with my first review. Sometimes the translation will be all negative. Negative spirits and entities and no other spirits on it. I translate it into a Word document and then I break for awhile and when I come back I'm on a different frequency and the negative spirits are gone.
If you look at an audio graph, and I've looked at a lot of them do we look at the frequency levels vertically like on a radio or horizontal? Or can there be both? This is what I asked myself the other day and spent some time churning it around. It keeps saying horizontal. If you run a line down the middle of the graph to separate the upper from the lower then perhaps the upper is the FM and the lower is the AM. Perhaps. Now the upper is not a mirror image of the lower. A first glance it looks like it is, but it isn't. It's close, but I've seen where there are spikes on the lower with nothing on the upper. This could be why you hear different things at different times. But just how does the ears / brain find a frequency level when you start? I don't know the answer to that. It just does. I think there's a base level, but after that the skies the limit.
Once I was asked to review a session. The session was between this person and a spirit claiming to be his mother-in-law. I could hear her voice perfectly even though he could only faintly hear it. Her voice was angelic. The session wasn't long around two minutes and it took me about 15 minutes to translate. I was confident that I had it right. I then decided to try something. I opened the file and before starting it I verbally said out loud, "Tune into the lower frequency." To my surprise I could again hear her but she was saying something entirely different. I then said, "Tune into the middle frequency," and I picked up what I first translated. I then said, "Tune into the upper frequency," and it was different from the middle as well as the bottom, but still her. Amazing. This meant the spirit can deliver three different messages at the same time. Pick one. On one of the frequencies there were a lot of negative spirits that came through on it. Is this why she switched frequencies? Wouldn't you if you could? I would. Think back to the bar and you are sitting next to some loud obnoxious drunken asshole, no problem--switch frequencies. Tesla said it's all about energy, vibration and FREQUENCY. I'm getting it. I've experienced all three.
Spirits often team up to communicate on our side. One spirit says one or two words of the sentence and other spirits chime in with the other words on different frequencies perhaps. Here's an example of three spirits teaming up to produce a sentence.
"Mike wake up alive."
When I was a child I had a fever, a very high fever. My head pounded. My hands felt like two balloons. I thought it was over. I'm 12 and am going to die I thought. I laid there in my bed unable to move waiting for it. I fell asleep. I awoke soaked in sweat. The entire bed was soaked. What happened? My head was clear. I'm alive.
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