On June 18th we went back to Moclips. This trip was to memorialize the two teenage girls who were murdered there on April 14th 1975. The author Ann Rule wrote about this in her book Last Dance--Last Chance. If you need details of the horrific night Ann does a good write up on it and I'm glad that I can point to someone else rather than write it myself. The girls were killed on the exact location where my wife and I shared so many peaceful and tranquil moments. Finding out about the murders and the location stole some of the tranquility for me and I cursed the murderer for that, but that's my own selfishness to this ugly story. The murderer stole far more--he stole the lives of Tina and Gael.
We took both video and ran an audio recorder. The spirits that were captured came through on a very low frequency and no spirits came through identifying themselves as Tina or Gael. Because of the low frequency it isn't worth me trying to post the audio, however I'm not done with the audio and should I find something I will update this post.
We did two memorials for Tina and Gael on two different days, both were on or near the site. Their names were written in the sand with flowers near their first name and flowers next to their last name. The hi-tide should wash both away. It didn't. The next day both were still there. We then memoralized them on the spot where I believe it happened. The bluff overlooking the river. After reading Ann's book and seeing a picture of the site I might be wrong.
While taking the video I wondered if the girls family came down for their own closure. If closure is ever even possible. I was hoping we weren't the first to memoralize them. Before coming down I searched for a picture of Tina and Gael. I had a description of the two but I wanted to see their faces. I found nothing. Ann Rule must have had trouble finding a picture as well. She used the photo's that was in the police report. It isn't great but at least I had a face now.

The song we selected was Celebrate me home by Kenny Loggins. We celebrate their short life and celebrate them home.
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