March 7, 2020
Kirkland, Washington
Yesterday I drove past Google corporation in Kirkland Washington and a thought pops into my head--Google a death count.
Nineteen hours from my time of writing this article has 14 dead inWashington State. The time they posted it would be 9:18am March 6th. KUOW is located in Tumwater Washington about an hour drive from the epicenter is the only news station with a number of 14. Where did they get that number? The other Seattle news stations don't have anything higher that 12 and that is two days old.
Fourteen nameless, faceless persons. If you don't have a name, or a face can you ever die? Would you have ever even existed? Don't you have to at a minimum have a face and body? What the media is reporting on isn't a death, but a missing unknown person. They believe there's a person there and they want you and I to believe the same thing. I'm an expert in things invisible, but I know they're there because I record them so I have the audio files as physical proof. Words are not physical proof no matter how many medical degrees you have hanging on your office wall. Lead me to a body and then lead me to the rest of your evidence that proves that a body died from COVID 19.
I see a world wide pattern here. News agencies around the globe that claim a person has died from COVID 19 are reporting the deaths and not attaching a name or face to the death. Nor are there any photos showing family members mourning their loved ones death. Nor are there any photos of funerals. Are we to believe that thousands of people die from this virus and the media doesn't take a single photo of a funeral? Google search.
A library stabbing comes up. A Santa Fe shooting victim and the Garlic festival mass shooting. Not a single funeral picture from China to the United States shows anything related to a death. How is that possible? Would the communist media be in cahoots with the media in the United States? It appears so.
So as of March 7th the totally known number of deaths in Washington State is in fluctuation. Sorry. Let's just say it's somewhere between 11-14. If true the death rate has risen fourteen times high in one week. This would mean it has risen higher than the recorded math numbers where two is double, three is triple, four is quadruple, five is quintuple, six is sextuple, seven is septuple, eight is octuple, nine is nonuple, and ten is decuple. Nonuple and decuple aren't even registered as words. Math geeks made them up. When asked to give us the words for 11-20 they say, "Make it up yourself."
At this rate the entire state of Washington could be dead in exactly four months and three weeks. How is that for a little fear Governor Inslee?
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