On January 6th 2017 I am lying in bed meditating. I know some being / beings whether spirit life or alien life, or both, are trying to establish communications with me. I'd been running a digital recorder for six weeks almost nightly anticipating a return of those who visited me on 11/19/16 just six weeks earlier. Below is the translated audio graph and the actual recording.

Click on the link below and listen to the end.
"Hey, hey, hey"
During that time between 11/19/16 and 1/6/2017 I captured everything you can imagine, snaps, pops, voices, and what sounds like a cowbell. A spirit voice from outside would hit a cowbell and say, "Mike, wake up. Let's go. Wake up Mike." I know the spirit isn't trying to physically wake me because I'm lying in bed awake listening to him and luckily for me and science my recorder is running. They are attempting to wake me up my conscious mind to an understanding of who I am. What I am. Why I am. Use the same who, what and why back at them so I have a complete understanding of myself and who they are.
On December 7th, 2016 just a few weeks after 11/19/16 a male spirit attempts to awaken me and once again he uses a cowbell. "I gotta have more cowbell baby."--Bruce Dickinson

Click on the link below
"Mike wake up."
This spirits name is Andy. I have plans to do write ups on both Sabrina and Andy. These two were the primary spirits to my awakening to their world and let me say my awakening is ongoing. There's a lot to be awakened to.
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